npc points

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by powellbuttedad, Dec 21, 2013.

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  1. anyone else missing NPC points?
  2. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Yes but not many points
    + NPC shot points 681,277 / 2
    Missing points = -9065

    -=[ Streuner ]=-0989070
    -=[ Lordakia ]=-0878300
    -=[ Devolarium ]=-4317812712
    -=[ Mordon ]=-23172663452
    -=[ Sibelon ]=-5390119505
    -=[ Saimon ]=-259857119714
    -=[ Sibelonit ]=-31047631428
    -=[ Lordakium ]=-62881728
    -=[ Kristallin ]=-32359770791
    -=[ Kristallon ]=-8808864704
    -=[ StreuneR ]=-238767752
    -=[ Protegit ]=-3563716911
    -=[ Cubikon ]=-105635630
    ..::{ Boss Streuner }::..418727488
    ..::{ Boss Lordakia }::..421418564
    ..::{ Boss Mordon }::..89067248
    ..::{ Boss Saimon }::..8314825184
    ..::{ Boss Devolarium }::..16761216
    ..::{ Boss Sibelonit }::..121351620
    ..::{ Boss Sibelon }::..201472940
    ..::{ Boss Lordakium }::...24611464
    ..::{ Boss Kristallin }::..12265431848
    ..::{ Boss Kristallon }::..321404480
    ..::{ Boss StreuneR }::..88586864
    ( UberStreuner )82261808
    ( UberLordakia )82672136
    ( UberMordon )161712736
    ( UberSaimon )163175072
    ( UberDevolarium )327224
    ( UberSibelonit )2440960
    ( UberSibelon )405200
    ( UberLordakium )48296
    ( UberKristallin )24701680
    ( UberKristallon )642128
    ( UberStreuneR )162173472
    <=< Kucurbium >=>32611952
    -=[ Vagrant ]=-16565
    -=[ Marauder ]=-23672
    -=[ Outcast ]=-466264
    -=[ Corsair ]=-8324
    -=[ Hooligan ]=-1615240
    -=[ Ravager ]=-328256
    -=[ Convict ]=-329288
    -=[ Century Falcon ]=-1284512
    <=< Ice Meteoroid >=>3233410688
    <=< Icy >=>350150
    -=[ Interceptor ]=-126032603
    -=[ Barracuda ]=-27771554
    -=[ Saboteur ]=-46252500
    -=[ Annihilator ]=-63932358
    -=[ Battleray ]=-1634544
    -=[ Infernal ]=-4200800
    -=[ Scorcher ]=-82582064
    -=[ Melter ]=-161712736
    -=[ Devourer ]=-255112805
    GG-=[ Vagrant ]=-1127127
    GG-=[ Marauder ]=-269138
    GG-=[ Outcast ]=-4123492
    GG-=[ Corsair ]=-874592
    GG-=[ Hooligan ]=-161031648
    GG-=[ Ravager ]=-32451440
    GG-=[ Convict ]=-32591888
    -=[ Protekid ]=-31545
    -=[ Cubikid ]=-10990
    Kills according to most recent calculation1101522101522
    NPC shot points681277
  3. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    It updates every 24 hours, so if you just did something big (finish a gate, etc.) then it won't show up until midnight server time.
  4. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    I haven't shot anything in a week or more.
  5. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    It was more towards the OP, I assumed that you would know how the RPs work :)
  6. can close is workin on it ..ty
  7. Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as requested.
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