obsidian keys

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by GreenandGrey, Jan 24, 2017.

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  1. These are better the less stuff you have. If you have a Zeus, full havoc, surgeon and tartarus for example you can only really benefit from the 1.5% chance at an lf4

    If you get enough schism for 15 keys you have 20.2% chance for at least 1 lf4, 26% chance for surgeon, 26% chance for tartarus, 14% chance at least 1 havoc, 66% chance drone formation drill, 7.3% chance Z drone, 7.3 chance for A drone

    I noticed the UFE players weren't happy with these... It's because you've already got most of the stuff!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  2. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    If you are a free player,just craft only one and try your luck.You will get drill(most likely) and save some uridium.
    Edit:Btw how do you know the chances?
  3. Basic math, and the main chances of getting certain items from an Obsidian Box were posted by the game devs. He just factored in other things.
    neoonoma likes this.
  4. Actually I messed this up, I thought the key recipe gave 5. It only gives 1. I've edited the OP
  5. Collecting the assembly ressources for obsidian isn't worth the wasted time.
  6. if the obsidian day is at the same time as a double gate day it would be worth it. Then all you need is the areus from pirates
  7. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    You are basically asking for the impossible.
  8. Do you mean the double GG rewards day? Actually it did already happened twice (January 29 and February 12 ) wherein the Obsidian boxes were available and the keys were craft-able for about 3-4 days and it included the Sunday which is the Double GG Day. You got double GG rewards + schism and pirates drop Aurus, then you could craft the keys and salvage some Obsidian boxes :) Btw in my very fist Obsidian box, I got the Drill Formation which was a minute ago I planned to buy but good thing I didn't buy it :D
  9. neoonoma

    neoonoma User

    Too bad you didn't get surgeon or tartarus :c
    •»Radiance«• likes this.
  10. Maybe I can get it soon XD
  11. Mace~Windu

    Mace~Windu User

    These keys are also too expensive for me..