October Dev Blog Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Oct 2, 2014.

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  1. I dont even know why you bother in replying. If you havent noticed from his last feed back thread (he dont like the feed back and dont reply). Your just wasting your time as he dangles you around on a string much like a puppeteer would do. If you want things fixed quit paying to play. If they see the drop in money then there left with few options fix or drop the game. Do you really think there going to drop there bread and butter?
  2. As far as the battle ray goes should have always been more then 1 that re-spawns every 5 minutes as for farming it i never have really gotten any uri from doing that. That LoW I can not see how 1 person does that i have tried many times so seems only a glitch the stronger UFE players can exploit. As for as putting a time limit on it, who cares no one really does it any way and the gate barely gives anything worth the bother to do it that is why it had no time limit on it in the first place so you could do it over again with a group to actually make something....

    As far as placing me in a random posititon in 5-3 Please stop what you doing. Getting attacked by an ambush is gonna happen there any how, make it safer to palli, how when any UFE or slightly weaker player can just go to the palli field and hunt (where they actually kill the players, they dont really ssit at port all year waiting for random peeps to jump in) if you were that concerned about difficulty of game play should have never added lf-4. The map wont be made easier by any of those changes so your just wasting pay hours coding something that does not matter or effect the PvP, but instead just annoys the players more.
    Tarron likes this.
  3. Lets put Battleray in 5-1 lol
    Tarron and chixonator like this.
  4. fusion82

    fusion82 User

    this is not exploit neither any more of a benefit then a player that has figured out how to solo a cube with x1 using an ageis. even more so the player cubing will get much greater rewards than the player in low gate as the low gate doesn't give much ep, honor or even credit for that matter. the cubes are still here and no one is complaining about them, why? because every one can shoot at it? maybe. because every one can see it pop? perhaps is because anybody can shoot at it at any time with out getting locked into an engagement with no way to exit and still get some kind of credit. why do players have an issue? is it because nobody wants to outfit and go int to the gate and actually figure out how to do the gate? really what exactly is the problem that is so different than other like things in the game. it no different than how one would fight aliens in a kappa gate or gamma. players spend a lot of time learning the game and HOW TO PLAY IT and now do wants to take it away. is letting your pet shoot aliens for the rewards in an x2 map while you sit there and do nothing considered cheating? no. its apart of the game as DO made it like that and that is well known by everyone and yet you hear no complains about it. maybe if do made the gate less of a challenge for weaker players we would not be having this discussion? perhaps the real discussion we should be having is why player don't want to enter the gate at all even in a group. not why one player isn't afraid to tackle the gate alone for the not all that great of a reward. you still make more uri, cred, ep and honor popping cubes in the same amount of time. do cannot argue this as it is a fact using same ammo ship drone formation, you will always come out on top cubing. low gate isn't an exploit any more than cubing and cubing is apparently an ok / legitimate way to make uri by everyone's standards. or should we all be banned/punished for solo cubing as well?
    Tarron and Darkomaani. like this.
  5. Look guys once again your wasting your time posting in this thread. They dont care about your input. They care more about the cash flow coming in. Good example. look at the TA the boost it up in forums for the word to get spread. They place it into the game (making us think its bug free). For it to last a few hours then closed because the figured out it was a flop and was broke before it was even placed. Even in the testing phase it didnt work just like the dom event! Quit wasting you money and save it back till these fixes are fixed. Do a simple search on forums on these issues and see how many times they have told us this and that would be done and yet still here. Last year rick deckerd said it would be 2 months and ammo cap would be lifted A year later stiill ammo cap in place. #years or so ago the new ui was to fix the lag but yet still lag issues within the game. Its sad to think a company of this size has went in the direction it has. But think how many time are you going to have a shop fix your car for same issue before you find a new shop or quit paying.
    Tarron likes this.
  6. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    They do read it, just the level of communication is not brilliant.

    I think the issue that the dev had with you last feedback thread was he was specifically asking you to give feedback about the event and you didn't each time and went off topic so he did not want to reply to you.

    Not saying it's exactly right, but if we actually give feedback about what they are talking about, I think they will be more inclined to reply. One step at a time, if they get more involved hopefully they will see what our real concerns are, hopefully.
  7. I stated the event was a flop and got no responce so i told him how i felt and as you can see if you look he did in fact reply to what i was and others was saying. And gave us a pep speech. You can trust them all you want okapi thats up to you. But I'm not a fool and will not trust them with anything they promise to deliver. Keep taking your (car) to the same shop it will get fixed after they milk your pockets!
    Tarron likes this.
  8. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    He replied and also noted that he wanted you to keep on topic, you didn't and so didn't do what he asked therefore he stopped replying.

    As I said I'm not saying it's exactly right, so please don't assume I "trust them all" (if you had read the first reply to this thread you would know that's not the case). However they are doing the effort to actually make these so I think it is best if we play along and stay relatively on topic because that way we are more likely to have our feedback heard.

    You going around telling everyone their time is wasted is helping nobody.
    [S.L.G]WARMODE likes this.
  9. Well lets get this right okapi I dont like you , you dont like me. We have made this well known. So dont try to belittle me and say my posts are not brilliant and without marit . My input is heard and others agree. The way I do thing my not be the way you do them but we do things our own ways. Its what makes us human! And I do believe by voicing my opinion is a good thing. If no one speaks out it will stay on the same track. You can choose to keep jumping the fince over to what side fits you at that time or choose to stay on one side no matter what ppl think. Well im sticking to this side as I stay true to what I believe and fight for a change. With this said pls do not post on input I offer in hopes to belittle me. Just because I do not like you , dont mean I dont respect your ideas and views! So pls respect mine.
    Tarron and ROULOUS___HELLAS like this.
  10. let me guess humm ..

  11. cleaver boy ;)
    +100 from me
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    Tarron likes this.
  12. why remove the low gate or put a cooldown , when you know all these users who puted 50 million of uridium in their account with fake proxy iip venezuela and now they have maybe no more the venezuela country but they are not banned and they play with *UUUUFE account with 2 million of rsb-75 like [removed] on ge1 that's fair ? please ...

    Note from Admin: Accusations are not allowed in forums - next time will result in an infraction.
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 27, 2014
    elsement likes this.
  13. One baby at a time babies...CBS in 5-1 first :rolleyes: Take it from there...
    chixonator likes this.
  14. Kappa doesn't give a ring. He could have done it 49 times and you would never know unless you looked it up on that server's HOF pages.
  15. No.

    nuff said
  16. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello everyone,

    This thread is for feedback, not for flaming, not for accusations.

    In the interest that some of the above posts are at least partially relating to feedback (albeit not necessarily feedback of the thread subject at hand), I have left them to remain for the time being (and this may be subject to change). However, the flaming and accusations need to stop. As this is a feedback thread I would like to refrain from editing and removing posts if possible so that you can be heard, but the only way that is going to be possible is if we stick within the forum rules and keep to the topic at hand.

    So please, lets stay on topic and keep this a respectful and meaningful way to deliver feedback.

    ProInc[4UC] and fusion82 like this.
  17. It would be great if you could remove all the posts that are not related to the feedback topic.
    It would help a lot when trying to read this thread.
  18. This will probably be deleted, but you have cocked up too much this month. 2 messed up Jackpot Battles, 1 messed up major update. It begs the question what is going wrong? How have you managed to mess up so badly and what are you going to do to insure it doesn't happen again?
    Tarron and _-DarkOverLord-_ like this.
  19. Get rid of this redheaded violence :rolleyes:
  20. Is
    That was just my opinion about the changes. They ask what I think so I said no.

    Nothing wrong with a very brief response
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