Odysseus Laser Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Malaikat, Mar 13, 2024.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    Please post your constructive feedback here for the Odysseus Laser. Please be thoughtful in your comments here and feel free to create new posts in the appropriate areas for your questions or event discussions.

    As usual, off topic posts will be removed from this thread.

    Thank you,
  2. madhatter2

    madhatter2 User

    we dont need any more lasers, fix the game fgs,
  3. BF-109E

    BF-109E User

    why do we need new lasers we already have 10
  4. 55cretos55

    55cretos55 User

    darkorbit constantly rugpulls its players by beating them back to complete noobs whenever they come close to getting maxed then milking them to oblivion which may have been acceptable 10 years ago when getting the new meta was orders of magnitude easier both by payment and by farming however that time is long gone so introducing such items that make the previous meta completely useless is not the way to retain the few that are still here for now. i personally know numerous people who were huge spenders (in the thousands some went as far as 10s of thousands) but they all gave up due to new stuff that greatly overpowers anything done up to that point coming out of nowhere.

    current meta is prometheus which does close but less than 200% dmg every 5 seconds
    new meta if it stays as it is which i hope it doesnt is 200% dmg every 2 seconds

    seems like no one's done the math
    AVIT and `Djurkz` like this.
  5. PacificNW

    PacificNW User

    Did I miss something in the FAQ, how does one acquire this new laser?
  6. You can get 1 from battle pass key exchange.
    But worry not, they will be in payment section soon so you can buy them for 15-20€ a piece! :D
    -=MarcVenture=- and test020 like this.
  7. test020

    test020 User

    prometheus overdrive dmg is 200 bonus on top of whatever you hit, not 200%, odysseus is 200% of the laser's base dmg also asmodeus technically deals more dmg than prometheus but bp forgot to keep selling it in order to make sure people get the frevor stacks.

    all i can gather from this is that odysseus laser is a reworked version of asmodeus since each shot is a chance for you to give high dmg instead of having the need to kill aliens for your dmg buff, 50% tells much and the fact that damage boosting sources don't affect it either tells that you don't need to worry about seprom with these lasers in theory and you are required to still grind for prometheus if you want damage bonus on your drones while your main ship can be piloted without issue, for blacktrash farming prometheus still best.
    Seraphim and ☺chris☻[CHG] like this.
  8. `Djurkz`

    `Djurkz` User

    whatever this new laser is, if you have your current upgraded and with booster that`s what it is...buying is another thing. but what we really need is the game to run smoothly...
  9. hi im on wrong post just wondered if your doing anythink about the amount of bots in the memisis gate causing so much lag impoossible to lock npcs so there for i cant enjoy event unless i was a bot thanku ,,event with no bots in past use to be enjoyable :(

    i have constructive feed back ge5 u need get banning botters as us honest 1s are lagging to hell theres that many of them its a bleeding joke .how are we meant to do event wen so many botts getting in the way even in normal maps with the npcs as soon as 1 comes near u u lagg bann them get rid of them thanku for my feed back ..oh iot wend and once again ge5 is almost umplayable sort game and ill spend untill then im logging out :(
    Last edited by moderator: Mar 23, 2024
    MacSgalpaigh, AVIT, Seraphim and 2 others like this.
  10. I see not much has changed.
  11. HUGE LOL.
    One of the clans known for getting things by abuse had one of their players post youtube video of a complete set of lasers.
    But you know it was legit if you cover your eyes and ignore 25k of booty keys on the ship and other totals he left there for us to see. That and haveing a registered account that started in 2023 and is level 27 with 4700 hours on it...

    That makes me really want to play more when I see that.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
    YOUNG^BLOOD™ likes this.
  12. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Feedback has been sent up so closing this thread.

    TermiteFan likes this.
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