Official Announcements not so official

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by lost1*, May 21, 2014.

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  1. lost1*

    lost1* User

    So as the heading says Official Announcements not so official. I just thought I would inform the players of an update to the payment option that not many have noticed but will come to notice in the up coming months first of all Pay by Cash has been removed from the payment option and come July 2014 Ultimate Game Card will be removed also. So you say how does this affect my game with Dark Orbit ?
    So you buy a $2.99 package using a $20.00 Ultimate Game Card leaving a balance of $17.01 this balance is applied to an account that is called Pay by Cash the next time that you the player decides to make a purchase from Dark Orbit you would click on Pay by Cash and receive a message you have a balance would like to use this of course being a customer you would like to spend your MONEY you are then redirected back to the Ultimate Game Card site to complete your purchase entering new codes from your game cards and any balance is again reapplied to your Pay by Cash account. And here is the problem Can I split the value of an Ultimate Game Card among games?
    No. Once you have used your Ultimate Game Card to purchase a game, any remaining balance must be used for that game. Balances not transferable to another game.
    Date Updated: 09/29/2011 this taken from Pay by Cash web site.
    Here is my answer from support
    [Removed Support Communication]

    USA East1 thumbs down for this
    Last edited by moderator: May 22, 2014
  2. yes taking pay by cash away is REMOVED and to top it off you dont get your money back then they want you to use big point cards not happening just another way to srew people out of there money
    Last edited by moderator: May 24, 2014
  3. OK BP/DO It's stupid updates like this thats killing the game. And you don't even have
    the decency to put this in the official announcements.:mad:Who the hells in charge up
    there? Maybe you've gone too far this time.You guys just don't seem to get it.This
    shows a great lack of respect to the hand full of legit player we have left.:mad:Are you
    trying to run us off the game too? o_OThx for the info lost1*
    Last edited: May 22, 2014
  4. Thanks BP! No more payments from me! UGC and PBC or no more money!
  5. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    An update where BP turns away money ... this is interesting :p

    In other news I am now accepting UGC, so please send them my way if you don't want them! xD
  6. It's stuff like this, the complete disregard for paying customers, that makes me think BP is trying to sink their own ship. No word, no explanation, nothing. The company decision makers are a joke.
  7. lost1*

    lost1* User

    Just an update I bought my first zeevex card tonight I first had to get an 8 digit code from zeevex for a $20.00 card I then had to shop on zeevex"s site for bigpoint's game card they only came in $10.00 or $25.00 amounts from there I had to redeem the Zeevex code for 2 $10.00 bigpoint codes { 20 digits long } after my payment to bigpoint useing the 20 digit code you receive a new 20 digit code on your payment screen with the balance so on a plus side you now have the option of useing your balance on more then one account but on the down side it took over 20 minutes to exchange all the codes from 2 different sites to do this. Also there is a blue check mark at the end of the code boxes if you want to use more then one code at a time you must check it to open a new set of boxes. Good luck I'll stick with my credit card and with the subway card from here out ZeeVex takes to long.
  8. Lol they removed the support conversation. With all this censorship you can't blame people for using those other forums.