Old School Players???

Discussion in 'Meet the Players - Who's Who' started by Thrillber, Jul 11, 2014.

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  1. thor714

    thor714 User

    hi odin. sorry for your loss of honor ! seems we were misled. if you don't mind me asking,what gate ring do you have showing? i have my alpha,beta and delta rings and am now building my zeta gate.thanks.
    Odin® likes this.
  2. gotyasoon

    gotyasoon User

    i will be following this thread in hopes of a response. multiple people have said this
    Odin® likes this.
  3. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Thanks .. The Ring is Epsilon ... I switched because I have a friend on the US West server and now I'm in their high ranked clan and on my US East 3 account needed to see the truth about MCC , I know and felt I needed to clear a mis-leading response to FΞBOMB[UFC]
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2018
    NWO*SCHIZO* and thor714 like this.
  4. Odin®

    Odin® User

    gotyasoon and NWO*SCHIZO* like this.
  5. hey. the crickets will always be around on east 1 and 3 . and now for your listening pleasure. * CRICKETS CHIRPING * :D
  6. thor714

    thor714 User

    thanks odin! fly safe and hope you get the answers your looking for.
    Odin® likes this.
  7. AND....
    the COWS BARKING.....O-o......Hi Sixx......
    *Sixx_a.m.* likes this.
  8. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Finally a Cricket has arrived and the fishing is great sup *Sixx_a.m.*
  9. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: :confused:
  10. gotyasoon

    gotyasoon User

    Odin® likes this.
  11. Odin®

    Odin® User

    Got it and sent it .... I had to wait till my BR1 server was merged ... I'll work on ts3 :)
  12. tonka-toy

    tonka-toy User

    player since 04 04 2010
    can rem the times i died trying to get to uppers with no jump chip but mostly miss the company fights in games like ctb and spaceball and having to fend off comp attacks in uppers all b4 bio and lf4s and no designs
  13. AVIT

    AVIT User

    player since 2010 ,,,too many people playing afk now,for some reason the system is designed to help them and not the players who play fairly ..
  14. Where is my old buddy ΨÊMPÊŔŐŖΨ was last seen: Feb 23, 2019? Been ages since I've seen him on the game.
  15. ridaklo

    ridaklo User

  16. user since : 16-01-2008
    player activity: 2,073 hours

    handle: pinoy_ako
    clan: pinoy elite squadron [PE$]

    missing the good old days that when you bid, if you lose, you lose your creds, too. so you had to hustle again to gain creds. now it's " the CC talks!!"

    been inactive for 9 years and just got back coz of this covid thing. the game is a bit too "pricey" to get a decent set up.
  17. Hoping to stay current or atleast get UFE again. see you all in the battle field!
  18. dark8blue

    dark8blue User

    Not true one bit, it's easier now to level up and get stronger than ever, you're not doing something right, this I know for a fact, as I have seen you in 5-2 trying to attack other players when you're weak as you are. This isn't 2010 where you would see a Vengi with half Flax, half Iris, flying around the maps killing people. 90% of the players have grown with the game and kept up enough to be considered UFE.

    I'd suggest putting your ego aside, dropping your clan tag, sticking to yourself, avoiding conflicts, and focus on quests and npcing, consistently and staying out of fights with real players as much as possible. Until you get to the point you need to be where you feel you are strong enough to be able to handle wars, and fights.. because trust me, the way you look now, you have no chance.
  19. Railgunner

    Railgunner User

    Not sure what you mean by "easier to level up." If you mean gather uri and such, then no. The cost of upgrading everything and getting all the gear is astronomical so the ratio of what you gather to spend is probably the same as back then. And back then uri was much harder to come by and that's why the botting started(not to mention the GG energy received from the boxes). Daily 7-8k uri from quests and free calendar items were not a thing either. So, even though it seems easier, these incentives are only here to keep players here.
  20. Since November 2009, about 1,300 hours played on USA West, EIC.
    Went by Sinkwcali then Soulreaper~Sink , now Quasar_One. Left for awhile but came back recently and enjoying the grind a little.
    I remember running from Sinner and the vru clans, was pretty fun for awhile.

    Cheers everyone and keep having fun! Stay safe!