oldest clan on DO

Discussion in 'Clans' started by ŠŦØИΞЌIИG, Aug 13, 2020.

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  1. my clan is MFV- misfit federation venus- if theres anyone who would like to join me and you are a level headed player and can be active dont start any trouble id welcome you. i am mmo so its something to think on. stoneking.
    KilerStreak likes this.
  2. Welcome back, hope to see your clan around in the maps.
  3. UKSS1

    UKSS1 User

    started bite june 2009 still going [p1]
    Seraphim and KilerStreak like this.
  4. waddup yall, been a mfv in 2008, Bigben was leader if i remember correctly, i havnt played in mad long, anyways nice seeing yall
  5. -BlazeIce-

    -BlazeIce- User

    We’re you not in RPM and GUN also back in the day….
  6. hey man im also mmo and I'd love to join and hunt with you my username is Tr0ll_Pr0xy :B
  7. this thread is since 2020, doubt anyone here plays anymore.
    -PRICEYSID- likes this.