Announcement Open beta test - Equipment in client

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by wiley_wiggins, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Hello Space Pilots!

    We are going to run another Open beta test for Equipment in Client today, to make sure that we have solved the severe technical issue. Technical stability is our priority right now, so we encourage you to use the new Equipment feature extensively in the beta test to help us ensure the problem is really solved. As we have discussed on the forums, there will be changes and additions to the feature based on your feedback, but we’ll be running separate tests for them, as soon as we are confident in the technical side.

    The test server will be available from:
    12:30/13.00h till 15.00h CET (Maybe a bit longer)

    Please leave your feedback here.

    Thanks a lot for your help on testing the new equipment in client!

    Your Dark Orbit Team
    Toudi likes this.
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