Opt out option for MHH and HH pop ups on backpage

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LazarusAdam, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Put in an opt-out button to have the MHH and HH pop-ups on the back page to not show up every time you change panes on the backpage. It gets tedious when trying to go between pages when wanting to upgrade items; then go to the hangar; then to the shop; then finally to auction and it pops up every time.

    It can be made to only function for that day and then on the next MHH the player would have to opt-out again.

    This may make it easier for the non premium and players who don't have the spare cash to spend to navigate the backpage without being bombarded with the ad.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Every event pop up is like that and it needs to change because its very annoying.
  3. Sociopath

    Sociopath User

    Agreed, but I doubt this will happen.
  4. Not every event. I have noticed that the winterfest one was only on the front page. MHH is almost every click.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Pretty much all of them, the point is if you don't want to see them why do they need to spam you every click or two, it needs to be changed, besides the Winter calendar has always been like that and isn't an annoyance to be considering it gives free stuff unless I log in again and it shows up lol.
  6. Agree. I think the worst however is the JPA for Sundays. All they need to apply is a tick box at the bottom of every pop up "do not show this message again" like windows software does. Its an easy fix and should be quick to implement.
  7. I have only noticed the JPA, HITAC, Scoremageddon and other events only show up on the home backpage. The MHH and HH windows are for every change of page.

    Going from Hangar to Skylab -- get a MHH ad.
    Go from Skylab to Auction -- get a MHH ad.
    Go from Auction to GG -- get a MHH ad.

    This is the kind of thing, I am trying to get changed.

    Plus the change I am proposing will only last for the day of the event. The windows software is an almost permanent feature.