Orcus Modules

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by •BUZDU•NUMBER•ONE•, Mar 22, 2023.

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  1. Honor and experience Orcus modules seem to have no effect on the honor and experience received from NPCs on maps, it's weird, I have no modules on my citadel and I get more experience and honor from stroke than when I do it with my orcus with honor and experience modules. it is not just me that has experienced this, my clan members as well along with other players I have asked on global chat. nova's honor and experience seem to not work either.
  2. yeah ive noticed that too. I get more on ships with no modules than on the ships with modules and i thought i was trippin'
  3. mxmumefort

    mxmumefort User

    is it me or did they nerf the hp on orcus again?
  4. can someone check, please?