P.E.T. Combo Gears FAQ

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 20, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    P.E.T. Combo Gears FAQ

    The two new gears will be the Guard Combo and the Ship Repair Combo Gear

    The gears will be available in 3 levels (just like all other pet gears)

    The Default Key for activating the Combo Ship repair gear will be "D"

    When the Combo Ship repair gear is activated the PET comes out for 5 Seconds and repairs the ship with the HP that fit its level. After the 5 Seconds are over the PET automatically sets itself to Guard mode, if the player has the Combo Guard gear it will automatically will set itself to that mode if done with the repair motion.

    When the Ship is attacked the Repair gear is stopped and the P.E.T. automatically switches to the guard mode, Combo Guard if the Player has it equipped. When the P.E.T. is attacked the repair will continue unless the P.E.T. is destroyed.

    Specs for the Combo Gears

    The regular PET fuel consumption while using a Combo gear is 35% higher than running a normal Gear. This is true for all Combo Gears.

    Combo Ship Repair Gear

    The Combo Ship Repair has a Cool down of 15 Seconds

    Level 1
    10000 HP per Second for 5 Seconds
    200 Fuel per usage
    Chance of Insta shield damage deflection = 65%


    Level 2
    15000 HP per second for 5 Seconds
    400 Fuel per usage
    Chance of Insta shield damage deflection = 75%


    Level 3
    25000 HP per second for 5 Seconds
    750 Fuel per usage
    Chance of Insta shield damage deflection = 85%


    Combo Guard Mode

    The Combo Guard Mode has no changes to its function except the addition of a Insta-shield feature of the Combo Gears (including 35% increase fuel consumption).
    Each Level has a Sheild Damage Defelection percentage which will
    protect your PET from Enemy attack.

    Level 1
    Chance of Insta shield damage deflection = 65%


    Level 2
    Chance of Insta shield damage deflection = 75%


    Level 3
    Chance of Insta shield damage deflection = 85%


    As this is a new feature of the PET, additional information
    will be added as available.​
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 3, 2017
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