[SC] P.E.T.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by WarriorAngus, Feb 1, 2021.

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  1. Permanent recipes
    The following event recipes can always be crafted (the permanent recipes are the same like in the last event run).
    CategoryNameAmountRequiresBuild time
    GeneratorSG3N-B0312 Micro Transistors
    2 Hybrid Processors
    1,800 Chromin
    5,000 Rinusk
    5 sec
    WeaponsLF-P0112 Micro Transistors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec
    GeneratorsSG3N-P0112 Hybrid Processors
    2,500 Chromin
    2,500 Rinusk
    5 sec

    + GG Bonus Rewards
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
  2. I'm aware what proms give, but the numbers don't lie. The 3.5x bonus is applied twice once the pet reaches level 4. Feel free to test it yourself.
  3. Hi All,

    I want to thank you for all this great information. I didn't see it on the web site that was posted. You guys are so knowledgeable about the game. It will take me a long while to make them because I don't have the items in my inventory to do so. I will once I do.

    Thank you again,
  4. :D
    if you play for a long time, then you know a lot;)
  5. I don't play like I use to. I like the game, but I don't like what it has turn into.