Page Freezing Up

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by [ŁΦŁ]¤MΛІBΞΞ¤™, Jan 20, 2014.

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  1. What's with the white page with the "!" mark in the middle of it lately. Seems that the game quits and go to this page. Would take a screen shot of it but can't.
  2. Would it happen to possibly be a † (dagger)? If it is, then its a login issue with their login system. Happens sometimes, just try clearing cookies.

    If it isn't, would love to see a screenshot :)
  3. Actually just happened again! Next time I will try a screen shot.
  4. [​IMG]

    Here's a screen shot of what I get. This pops up and the game freezes. I have to then quit and log back in.

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you very much for your assistance with this player issue,

    That usually occurs when you are running an item that needs to be updated. For example the flash player, Java or browser.

    If you are running the Google chrome Browser, I would ask have you enabled the pepper flash and disabled the Adobe flash?

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?
    Have a nice day!
  6. I don't use Chrome and just updated to the latest version of Flash.
  7. Okay, this is becoming very frustrating and a royal pain. Can you please fix this problem? This ! mark is popping up constantly, especially when using Jump Gates.
  8. There were some issues over the weekend on GB1 server. These issues are now corrected. If the problem you were having is still occurring then it is probably as well to message support who will be able to investigate more thoroughly.
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