Parasite Tide Event FAQ

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by ASTRAEA, May 6, 2015.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Parsite Tide banner.png


    A new dangerous alien race has been detected in DarkOrbit. It is not the most dangerous race but its descendants carry an infectious disease that has dramatic effects on the efficiency of human space ships.
    According to scientists the pathogen lowers the capacity of ships to take damage but increases damage output by 10%.

    Plague debuff
    When a player gets infected by either an exploding Bonus Box or when hit by infectious ammunition, the following debuff is applied:
    • + 10% more damage
    • -15 % hull
    • -10% speed
    • Debuff ends after 15 minutes or on death.
    • EMP does not remove the effect.

    Here is what an infected player looks like:

    Infected Ship.png

    The effect will not stack when a player gets infected while under the debuff’s influence but the timer is reset, prolonging the effect.

    When trying to access the Training Arena, the debuff is not counted and will be deactivated.

    As the debuff also affects the pilot’s perception, Mission Control will present itself differently… be wary of the voices in your head!

    Plague Bonus Boxes

    infected box.png

    When trying to collect the Bonus Boxes there is a chance that the boxes are infected and will spread the disease to the collecting players and anyone around them. A timer will inform you that you have three seconds to evade and avoid the effect.

    The area of effect is displayed to everyone and looks like this:

    Infection explosion from box..png

    The boxes would appear on all company maps From X-1 to x-8.

    Cure items
    It is possible to heal players who have been affected by the disease. Human scientists have created “Plague Cure CPUs” for 1x and 10x use. These will be available in the shop and as rewards for event missions. Note: You cannot buy the ANTI-Z1 if you are not infected!

    Serum (1-charge cure)
    Anti Z1.png
    • Name:Serum CPU
    • Code: ANTI-Z1
    • Effect: Removes plague debuff
    • Effect applied: On item purchase
    • Timeout: 60 seconds

    Serum XL (10-charges cure)
    Anti Z! XL.png
    • Name: Serum XL CPU
    • Code: ANTI-Z2
    • Effect: Removes plague debuff
    • Effect applied: On item purchase and if the current target and/or player himself is infected. Otherwise grayed out. (If player and target are infected 2 charges are deducted. If only player OR target is under debuff influence, 1 charge is used.)
    • Timeout: 60 seconds

    Infection ammunition and mines
    Players can spread the disease by using Plague Infection Batteries (PIB) and Plague Infection Mines (PM).
    This ammo is not usable in the Training Arena. Instead the weakest available ammo is auto-selected. As mines are “passive” items, they do not count against mission goals.

    Infection ammo
    PIB 100.png
    • Name: Infection Laser Ammo
    • Short name: PIB-100
    • Damage multiplier: x4
    • Additional effect: Applies plague debuff to target player

    Infection mine
    IM 01.png
    • Name: Infection Mine
    • Short name: IM-01
    • Damage: Standard mine damage (equal to ACM-01)
    • Additional effect: Applies plague debuff to target player(s).

    Infection boss - Gygerim
    We have been informed that a new boss NPC is approaching from the direction of the Zeta sector to cause chaos in the humans’ star system. It's the duty of every pilot of every company to destroy the ship to stop the infection.

    It is possible that certain actions – like killing a number of Gygerthrall minions - will make the boss appear.

    When the boss appears and disappears, all players on the map are notified.
    * This ship has the same stats as the Demaner.
    * There can be only one boss per map set.

    Event window
    For information purposes a new window has been added, displaying
    • Running time of the plague debuff
    • Show individual healer and infector points
    • Show the player's progress towards summoning the boss.

    Surgeon Goliath
    The best healers and infectors will receive a special Goliath design for their efforts. The “Surgeon” design will be exclusive for a limited time (after which it will be made available to all players).
    The Surgeon design will grant the following special bonuses to the winners:
    • +6 % damage
    • +6 % honor
    • +6 % experience
    • +1 generator slot


    There will be two special rankings that work similar to the Battle for Influence or Domination rankings.

    For different actions players will be assigned points. Points will be awarded regardless of your actual “infection” state. The 100 highest ranking players will receive special rewards.

    Healthy ranking actions list

    ActionNumber of points
    Cure use1
    Infection minions kills10
    Healthy daily quests done10
    Infection boss kills100
    Infected player kills15
    Infected ranking actions list

    ActionNumber of points
    Infect other player5
    Infected daily quests done100
    Kill healthy player50
    Event rewards
    Per instance and ranking (“Healthy” and “Infected”) the top 100 ranking players will receive special prizes:

    #1 player
    o 1 month of Premium
    o Surgeon Goliath
    o 20 Booty keys
    o 250 Extra Energy

    Players #2-10
    o Surgeon Goliath
    o 150 Extra Energy

    Players #11-100

    o 2 Booty keys
    o 50 Extra Energy


    The following achievements will be introduced and their state will be saved when the event ends, so you can finish the achievements when the event is re-run.

    Achievement nameTitleConditionPointsMetalHealthy/infected type
    The First VictimNo titleGet infected5BronzeInfected
    Lab RatNo titleCure yourself5BronzeHealthy
    Sleeper VirusNo titleInfect 10 players10BronzeInfected
    Disease VectorDisease VectorInfect 50 players15SilverInfected
    Grim ReaperGrim ReaperInfect 100 players30GoldInfected
    ParamedicNo titleCure 10 players10BronzeHealthy
    Healthcare ProfessionalHealthcare ProfessionalCure 50 players15SilverHealthy
    Doctor Without BordersDoctor Without BordersCure 100 players30GoldHealthy
    Quarantine ManagerQuarantine ManagerKill 25 infection minions15SilverHealthy
    White-coated DemigodWhite-coated DemigodKill the infection boss15SilverHealthy
    Xeno-virologistXeno-virologistFinish all healthy missions20GoldHealthy
    ScourgeScourgeFinish all infected missions15GoldInfected
    Chief of StaffChief of StaffAccomplish all healthy achievements20GoldHealthy
    Patient zeroPatient zeroAccomplish all infected achievements20GoldInfected
    We hope you enjoy this event.
    Your Dark Orbit Team.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
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