Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Tina-The-Impaler, May 8, 2015.

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  1. I have found two alpha, got those a couple days ago, and 2 beta, got those yesterday. I can't tell if they all are available, or if they are adding new ones incrementally, but I did get both alpha first.
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  2. SauronL

    SauronL User

    i just was with friend in outfit, he had first lock , i wasted to that thing around 10k x4+ and at its last 1% hp it shot me and i had low hp it poped me, i didnt even get reward and also didnt count for quest, this is stupid -_-
  3. lol I havent even gotten to "see" one yet ...let alone shoot it.
  4. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Found one kronos piece for Lambda :D
  5. It seems like they are adding new parts each day, by the end of the event we might have a free Kronos boys!
  6. TheShadows

    TheShadows User

    Hehehe, that will be great :D:rolleyes:
  7. I have received : 1 Alpha, 2 Beta, 1 Zeta and 5 Lambda since start of this event. I box a lot.
  8. Runcho

    Runcho User

    Me too, but so far got only 1 lambda part.

    I was thinking the same. Than I realized that we are expecting that to happen from bigpoint....

    Okay so let me see pros n cons for the event.

    + You get a free 10% dmg boost.
    - Reduced speed.
    - Instantly reduced HP.
    - Cannot EMP infection when someone shoot you with the ammo - worse chance to escape.
    - Boss NPCs spawn much slower in low activity servers
    - Use 1000 PIB ammo quest gives you less uri rewards than the cost of the ammo.
    --- Even after the reduced prices!
    - The event seems to be favoring MMO most of the time (bosses spawn on 4-1 and 1-5 when it was supposed to be random.)
    - At least 35% of the boxes are dissapearing (both regular and event boxes), DO refused that statement at the beginning. Free kronos parts and less boxes to pick = waste of time.
    - Released event information was incomplete. After raised questions there were added new posts to explain what and why are things happening like that.

    If I think of something else I will add it, but in general this event is a big fail. From what I read in the forums the most of the comments are negative, I don't know where bigpoint developwers are reading positive feedback from, but it ain't here :/

    Me too, but so far got only 1 lambda part.
  9. Type-0Z

    Type-0Z User

    Apparently Kronos Event works with part receive from Parasite Bonus Box.