Patchnotes - April 2015

Discussion in 'Tech Announcements' started by Solid_Eye, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Solid_Eye

    Solid_Eye Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Greetings, Pilots!

    We post a lot of announcements about features and events, but we know that you can’t always see what we are doing to improve the game. These monthly patchnotes are a way to keep you better informed.

    We implemented the following features, events, improvements, and bug fixes in April:


    · “Easter Eggs” We implemented some“easter eggs” ( in DarkOrbit. Due to some odd behavior in the game players are able to get hidden achievements. Until now, there are 4 “easter eggs” active but there may be coming more in the future.​

    · Aprils Fools
    We exchanged the laser graphics for the 1 April 2015. Not as fancy as the nyan sheeps as last year but still funny.
    · Alien Eggs Event
    The event did run from 3 April to 6 April 2015 and offered Alien egg bonus boxes on the maps, additional event games, fireworks and last but not least one or another special sale in the shop.
    · Demaner Hunt
    Due to the popularity of the Demaner NPC we did run a Demaner Hunt for 10 days in mid of April. A special mission could be accepted which gave out a Hercules drone design as reward.​

    Bug fixes
    · Website
    · Skill tree: The website no longer freezes if you try to reallocate pilot points after a skill tree reset.
    · Skylab/Tech Center: Several Sepromexploits have been fixed.
    · The login with Facebook credentials is working again.
    · Shop: Player with discounts can buy the maximum of P.E.T.'s fuel without any issues again.​
    · Game Client
    · Solace ship design:
    · The Nano-Cluster Repairer skill will no longer increase the hitpoints of group members on other maps but only in its effect radius.
    · You can no longer use the Nano-Cluster Repairer skill continuously to make your ship almost invulnerable.
    · In some cases upgrading generators and lasers with Seprom resulted in a display error where the amount of Seprom was "1" while at the same time the running time was correct. This was fixed.
    · After changing the ship’s configuration, other players will no longer see the wrong drone designs on your ship.
    · Training Arena: Players will no longer get stuck in TA map if they died.
    · Minimap: In Firefox browsers the "Follow" function will draw a line on the minimap again.
    · LoW Gate:
    · Some texts were not displayed in the proper languages. This has been corrected.
    · NPCs will not hide in inaccessible areas anymore where they could not be attacked.
    · Refining: The display of the shields updated with Seprom will be displayed correctly again.​
    · P.E.T.:
    · It is no longer possible to trigger an opponent’s P.E.T. in guard mode to shoot down your own P.E.T. and cause honor deductions this way.
    · The correct graphic for a level 15 P.E.T. will be displayed again.
    · The P.E.T.’s behavior should now be save its setting between map jumps and not always revert to “passive” anymore.
    · Shield bars will update correctly again if configuration was changed.
    · Kamikaze gear damage distribution will work like intended again.​
    o Citadel: The "Fortress" ability did not work correctly - the shield bonus was not applied and the damage taken was not reduced. This was fixed.
    · Inventory: It was possible that booty keys were not properly deducted under certain circumstances. This has been fixed.
    · NPC Behavior: Demaner Freighters would not be shown on a map after a map jump, resulting in attacks by an invisible enemy.
    · Century Falcon: We have taught the Century Falcon correct behavior now. It will not spawn again with 0HP.​

    · P.E.T.: P.E.T. behavior will be saved even if it was killed and reactivated.
    · Damage Warning: Should a player’s health go below 20% and the repair bot is not activated, a warning will be displayed and a warning sound will be played – like in the radiation zone. This can be deactivated in the game settings.
    · Cubikon’s Graveyard (??? Map): If a player was disconnected from this map his ship will be placed on his home map and the player cannot get back on the map to farm it in groups.
    We also implemented a number of additional bug fixes, text corrections, and other improvements.

    Your DarkOrbit team
    boilerblood and Ramzi-BZ like this.