Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Jan 16, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    The Plasama based, low capacity battery is the laser shot I'm proposing.
    The purpose of this battery is to produce laser damage as the LCB but it will also scorch the target to cause continuous damage to weaken its hull structure.

    It offers the standard damage upon direct hit but continue inflicting half damage for 3 seconds per shot.

    The suggested price would be 5 Uri per battery.
    The laser color per cannon would be:
    LF-1: Yellow
    LF-2: Yellow
    LF-3: Orange
    Lf-4: Purple
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2014
    ANgry.mN likes this.
  2. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Is it solely for credit ships? <-- Rhetorical

    Shooting an enemy at a rate of approx 1 hit per second plus a 5 second half damage which stacks up...
    1= 100% plus 50% = 150%
    2= 100% plus 50% plus 50% = 200% oh wait thats x2
    3= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 250%
    4= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 300% oh wait thats x3
    5= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 350%
    6= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 350% (1st shots scorch damage has subsided)
    7= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 350% (2nd shots scorch damage has subsided)
    And 350% for any further shots
    Et cetera...

    In general it deals 3.5x damage with a slightly slower start...
    Plus taking into consideration that it deals 'hull damage'... Okay so what are shields for again?
    Big NO from me.
    TheTaser(V) likes this.
  3. Wow. Someone did the math for me xD. Do you really think through an idea before you post it Vespid? We have x1 x2 and x3 ammo. Make use of those.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Why do we need overpowered ammo?
  5. We need RSB. Not this crap.
  6. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Bearing in mind we hit at a rate a lot faster than 1 hit per second thus making this ammo do more than 4x possibly even 5x damage. If I had the exact firing rate per second I could follow up further calculations and give an exact figure.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I think the fire rate is 2 shots per second.
  8. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    .5= 100% plus 50% = 150%
    1= 100% plus 50% plus 50% = 200% (aka x2)
    1.5= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 250%
    2= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 300% (aka x3)
    2.5= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 350%
    3= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 400% (aka x4)
    3.5= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 450%
    4= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50%
    plus 50% = 500%
    4.5= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50%
    plus 50% plus 50% = 550%
    5= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50%
    plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 600% (aka x6)

    Further shots will deal the same damage as the first shots scorch effect will have subsided.

    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  9. Lol. I know where that pic came from. Back on topic: Dumb idea.
  10. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Does the damage effect stack? Like the venoms skill. Not really needed reason is stated above the damage overall is a bit much.

    I do 6000 damage x1.

    Cut in half that is 3000 damage PLUS the added 6000 damage from the next shot for 9000 damage then what 12,000 damage then 15,000 then 18,000 and so on till the 5 secs is up or the target is dead.

    And besides what is wrong with the ammo we have now oh wait you don't use it so its useless.
  11. Lol. He would use it if he had some :p Perhaps all of Vespids overpowered ideas are to help him get better under the guise of helping noobs? Idk. They're not good all the same.
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Yes, the damage does stack but considering it is LCB and the fact that it would first have to drop the shields before dealing optimal damage the only thing over powered I see is the scorch time which I'll drop to 3 seconds.
  13. Full_force

    Full_force User

    So i would be doing 15,000 damage x1 (PB) to a target until it pops. Plus the rockets and hellstorm rockets. And i am not even UFE which can hit for 10-12k x1.

    No still no. Not needed we have plenty of ammo has is. Heck some of that ammo i have never even heard of being used.
  14. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Oh mann making me do more math...

    .5= 100% plus 50% = 150%
    1= 100% plus 50% plus 50% = 200% (aka x2)
    1.5=100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 250%
    2= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 300% (aka x3)
    2.5=100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 350%
    3= 100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 400% (aka x4)
    3.5=100% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% plus 50% = 400%
    and so on

    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  15. VESPID

    VESPID User

    So 15k laser damage plus rockets "of various sorts" and hellstorm rockets "of all sorts" without being UFE that can hit for 10-12K with x1 is supposed to mean anything against 300 to 500K shields????

    I just made this ammo to deal more damage to the hulls of its targets.
    Shields completely apply as the balance that only SAB ammo addresses.

    If it will help your cause I don't mind making this ammo shield penetrating since more than likely the ship targeted will have more than 350K Hp's making this damage a drop in the bucket.
  16. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Still quacking?

    i have hp of 306k...
    More than half of the players on darkorbit have less than that.
    Not forgetting the credit ships which you so love... oh wait, so this idea is implemented then what? credit ships get owned faster than before, then what? then vespid says 'hey fellow derps, lets make the credit ships on par with the goli so they stay alive'
    do you plan on using this idea as a backbone of making credit ships on par with the goli...

    You're easier to read than a book Vespid, give up already.
  17. VESPID

    VESPID User

    what is the initial damage of that 150%???
    I ask because I rarely get optimal damage once every 10 or 20 shots with any ammo much less LCB shot.
  18. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Lets see, if we take into consideration a player with 1 lf4 (me).
    I deal 6k damage x1 not sepped and no boosters or ship designs.
    150% = 9k
    400% = 24k

    So i would deal 24k every half a second after 3 seconds
    thats 48k every second after 3 seconds.
    And thats a nooby me.
    -AdamantiumDragon- likes this.
  19. VESPID

    VESPID User

    So the principal damage is being dealt by a LF-4, ok so what about an LF-2 or LF-3 which is entirely possible considering the cost of the ammo.
  20. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    Lousiest response ever.. i have 1 lf4. Many players have many more.
    Some players deal 20k x1 sepped
    at 400% thats 80k using a cheap ammo
    No frikkin way.
    Mod close thread now
  21. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I understand your puny point but you gotta see and even feel my point that only FE or UFE with elite ships and mountains of Sep will be using this ammo but if it really is bunching your blueberries I can always restrict it to just credit ships.
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