Peacemaker design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ₪Ģяαzηзя₪, Aug 11, 2014.

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  1. So my question is i purchased the peacemaker design when i was in VRU it gives a 7% damage increase. Now i am in EIC and the peacemaker design i purchased is a green color. The EIC company's peacemaker is blue so i thought when i switched company's the color of my peacemaker would change but it did not. So does this design not give me the 7% damage increase since i am no longer in VRU or does it still give me the increase and just stays the original color????
  2. The design should still work there are 3 ships not just 1, but the designs are bugged right now either way so.
  3. Hello ₪Ģяαzηзя₪

    Thank you º¤»ĐЯΣΔΜ◊†◊ÐΣМΦИ«¤º for assisting with this thread.

    Since all 3 designs are company oriented, I believe you won't get the bonus for damage if you have peacemaker and you switched to Eic.

    Do you (the original poster) have any further questions or can we close?
  4. Pardon, But in my mind these all things was for event point only. So damage must spread to all corporation, but influence points only for corporation wich desegin to belongs
  5. Hello -ΞĐĐIΞ-

    Each design gave a 5% bonus to influence gained for respective corporation during the course of the event when it was held and a 7% damage bonus against other faction players. (The damage bonus effects are permanent although you should have a design which represents your company in order to get the damage bonus)

    You can read more here> The Battle for Influence is here!
  6. the dmg bonus is still technically for any company, just cant use it on your own company, either way the designs are bugged and do not work, still waiting on them to get fixed before i demand my money back, and trust, me, i can get my money back, and i can promise i will be pushed on to all refunds for any1 who purchased the design. It clearly states they do 7% again enemy players, no where does it say "you have to be in your company with that specific design to get the dmg bonus", just aying.
  7. Ddraig

    Ddraig bp_phrase_Forum_General

    Hi there,

    I would like to note that the company influence designs are due to be tested therefore whilst this is happening we should be able to get a definitive answer whether the bonus is affected if you switch companies.

  8. I do as i have read if other posts as well as in this forum it only states that the influence is company oriented and that the damage bonus is permanent so as of right now i am getting no damage bonus so i dont understand how its permanent when im not recieving it???
  9. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    "Ship Designs

    New faction-themed Goliath designs are available in the shop and payment for the duration of the event.

    Each design gives a 5% bonus to influence gained for respective corporation and a 7% damage bonus against other faction players. (These effects are permanent but the influence bonus will not do anything after the event ends.)"

    taken directly from QA it says nothing about company specific damage .im wondering what part of the word permanent I am not understanding here.if that is to be the case it seem another bait and switch, not uncommon practice form this game
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2014
  10. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post false advertisement when Money is on the line too lol.
  11. I think the problem is that the design doesnt change color when you change companies. If the damage bonus is permanent but you change companies from vru to eic for instance if the ship stays green the bonus would still work against mmo but not vru, as the green design would not recognize vru as an enemy.

    Sounds like another item introduced without thoroughly thinkin it through.
    -ynsmrblr- likes this.
  12. This is exactly what i read. Thank you reboog no where does it say that this 7% damage boost will only work if i saty in that company it says PERMANENT now it cost me 100K uridium to purchase this ship i had to spend money to get it and now it sitting in my inventory and is worthless!!!!! To me thats kind of a bad way to do buisness.
  13. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Shut up noob, the design was 150k uridium. Fail!

    So what don't you understand? Peacemaker design belongs to vru company, so for it, you are the enemy right now. But further testing and explanations are being done as Ddraig said, so we should wait for an official answer.

    That's just dumb dude. Each company had it's own design, so if you want them all you should buy them all. It's like being MMO and having Crimson, should it change to Jade let's say when you switch to VRU?

    This part i agree. These designs should work just like the Enforcer design, boosting the damage against players that are your enemies, not it's enemies.
  14. Meh, it should still work the way it should, as the EIC design would.

    OT: How DARE you betray us ):<
  15. He is someone who has failed to ever come up with a decent argument on here, ignore him lmao.
  16. Silviu

    Silviu User

    Respect is earned, just as trust. The real boy is you here, bringing up family in this discussion proves it. You are saying i don't know what respect is, look at you first. Parents don't just get respect and love from their children, they earn it. In a family the father is a symbol of strength, since he is the one that supports all the households expenses and heavy duties. The mother is the one who educates a child and teaches him respect. People like you are not worthy of respect.

    On Topic: It's been such a long time since the Battle for Influence and all the money invested in this game are the net worth of a lollipop that's why you can't remember, right?

    And you sure did :rolleyes:
  17. I believe it is clearly stated that Peacemaker ( VRU ) gives 7% damage bonus against other companies - EIC and MMO. So, since you switched to EIC, the bonus should still work on EIC and MMO players, but not on VRU players. Would be a good upper hand in clan battles I assume :)
  18. All the designs state it gives 7% damage to enemy factions, so either way, you shoot the enemy you get 7% no questions asked.
  19. I see you know all the in's and out's of relationship's, dont you.You must have put alot of time and effort into studying that which you long for so much. I know what a father is you dont have to explaine it to me my children get to see their hero everyday and would never insult a person they dont know. Now they may defend themselves after being insulted because thats human nature and of course they have been taught to defend themselves. I'm sorry you are lacking in your life and i hope one day you can learn what it is to be a man.
  20. i say this thread needs to be closed before it ends up like the jerry springer show