Permafrost Fissure Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jan 23, 2017.

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    If we are not premium players we put same amount of uri to build this gate and all what we receive is credits and some exp points not worth it to do more uri get from npc`s and can build gate`s witch give us some extra ammo uri and much more so this gate is big mistake even for premium players do it by hour cubes get more uri then all this gate worth it and pick up proxium is do at least 2-3 gate for keys all the best to do it
    theOtherKey likes this.
  2. So I have noticed that every time I get the 1hr drop chance booster I dont get prox any more than when I dont have it. Some times I dont get any prox till my booster runs out. So either its bugged or the 25% isnt enough to be worth anything on the booster. Perhaps we need 30% more drop chance?
    theOtherKey likes this.
  3. ChaosAgent

    ChaosAgent User

    Same here, the drop at the end of the gate ends up getting you nothing in subsequent gates and isn't enough to get too much past gate 3 or 4 anyway.

    For those who noted that the box-doubler advantage pack does not double the NPC box drops, I've been assured that informing us is not important because, "In regards to changes in the game in general, our Terms and Conditions do clearly state we may make changes to the game or any features thereof without notice." I just have to say, WOW, that is some awesome customer support model!!! Why do what is right when your TOS says you don't have to???

    I try to support things I like. I buy copies of the user-supported software I use, I pay for stuff in games I play, etc. but until BigPoint figures out that even us gamers aren't to be treated rudely and with disrespect, I'm done spending my money with them. I'll keep playing, but I'll no longer support a company that thinks like that!

    -Kostitsyn46- and theOtherKey like this.
  4. Yeah support team here is careless sadly.Wish they would come around and actually help improve the gap between the game and the players but im not so sure that will ever happen. I would love to atleast get 7 or 14 prox per gate but atm lolo_O.
  5. So I was in the new gate when the restart happened on got 18 prox in that gate by the way and game restarts and the recipes changed for RSB WTH is wrong with you people something is working and you change it. I was going to due another gate but not now with only getting a total of 18 from this gate I will not spend any more. Nice FAIL on trying something new.
  6. everyone new this was coming dont no y people say they are not spending wont change anything just dont spend
  7. I just looked at the materials I have or rather had from before this update and now... I thought I had used all the trit for RSB and that I had a load of Quad but now the recipes are shuffled my saved materials seem to have changed...or maybe they stayed the same and the product of the recipe changed... I was saving the quad for lasers but collecting the Booty keys, EE and RSB as I went along...
    Did they do some form of adjustment?? That would not be right I think or?
  8. Veki

    Veki User

    It would be nice if you tell us exactly what are new drop values for RSB-75 and UCB-100.

    Old values were :
    20 000​
    8 000​
    10 000​

    What are the new values?
  9. Just came back after another long break, I liked the event until the reboot. I understand the UFO glitch(which I didnt realize existed) needed to be fixed.
    How bout some due diligence and test these events BEFORE they are launched and ticking everyone off with nerfs.
    This happens with almost everything this game has launched over the years I have been around.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 2, 2017
  10. SauronL

    SauronL User

    Id like to say thanks to the 4 pages of complainers. Thanks to you BP decided to ruin the event

  11. StuUK

    StuUK User

    Only just seen the recipe shuffle - I wasn't trying to get the ULF-4(s) as I didn't want them, now I'd have to craft one & redo the stupid gate (once, twice? that's not happening) to get the EE & RSB that I did want, hoping that I'd get enough Proxium dropped. Not happy at all.
    theOtherKey likes this.
  12. DO should really look carefully on their events before they launch it. They should know how to over look things in the event and determine what would be the best and the worst situation on the players' and their company's sides. As this will just create big disappointments for different players because you spoiled us in the goodness of the event the first days it was launched then when complains flooded your event you would then realize that you need to change/nerf something and that will still disappoint players especially those who've gained ease with the event before you nerf it.

    See, this situation just came over and over though its a good thing that you adjust the event for the sake of its real purpose from the start though I think its not enough as newbies could not still beat such waves especially those with uber but anyway maybe it will just take you more time to change it.

    If from the start you could over looked that such situations like this would happen in your event, you could have put the Ulf4 cheaper and the RSB at the 4th tier from the start and you won't spoil players on the ease of getting the RSB from the start.
    BestGArenEUW, theOtherKey and XeonXS like this.
  13. ChaosAgent

    ChaosAgent User

    Yes, I remember everyone complaining that the proxium handouts were too much, that the rewards needed to be changed and how everyone thought those pitiful handouts of prox should cost a ton more for the RSB-75. I believe I read that on page 0 and -1 of this thread. They obviously made these changes in spite of user feedback, not because of it, but you blaming the people that gave feedback about a broken product is a bit odd. Should everyone just keep quiet in the future? You can be our spokesman and tell DO what is good and what is bad. I vote for you as president of all feedback and think it should be required that before anyone gives feedback that it is okayed with you first so as not to interfere with your game. All in favor?

    I 100% agree with their decision to charge less prox for the ULF4s. They are worthless to the players capable of playing this gate through. They are more of a toy than a useful tool. The other changes are a bit stupid on the surface. Personally, I think they are doing a Microsoft on us. This gate is basically Vista, we are paying to use it, and then at some future time, DO will hand us our Windows 7 gate that does more of what we want and is decent if not great, and they will charge us for that too. Just a warning, DO is no Bill Gates, and not everyone can pull that "bass ackwards" type of scheme off on the public and get away with it.


    theOtherKey likes this.
  14. I gather the new drop rates are >here< as provided in #announcements Discord at 17:36 UTC yesterday
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  15. reboog21

    reboog21 User

    fooled again...bought the boosters and the the rules change...
  16. Now every event, which they have released (except PET-NPCs), wasn't worth. Palla, boxing, Cubikons and buying with the Uri the stuffs...this way is always better than collecting assembly ressources or spending much time in some new gates, which only give you ammo and some Uri. Compared to Palla, boxing and Cubikons, you waste your time when you are participating in the events.

    Hopefully they will increase the rewards...while they are noting the required time which a normal user needs.
  17. hushing

    hushing User

    I totally agree with you.

    Although at first look it seems the change of Recipes allow the low level players to obtain U-LF4 more easily it's not at practice.

    Let see the facts.
    45 U-LF4 * 40 (15+25) Proxiums= 1800 Proxiums. My average from 5 Gates without Boosters is 31 Proxiums per Gate.
    So, I need to do 58 Gates and with usage of x1 ammo, 2026 and Eco it take me 4 hours to complete one gate or in other words I must play 58*4=232 game hours or 58 days if I I play 4 hours per day.

    Actually if anyone know when this event will be ending is good time to share this information with all of us?

    Well people should know what exactly to complain, but they do it any way for the sake of it.

    All the time we must have been complain only about to increase the Proxiums drop rate, only that nothing more.

    As to obtain full Hercules or Havoc you need to do lots of Kappas or Zetas which is long term strategy.

    To have full U-LF4 is long term strategy also unless you are willing to invest the following:

    "~5 400 000 USB-100 ammo, 64*2=128 game play hours, 64*21000=1 344 000 Uridium to build them, ~13*10000=130 000 Uridium for dmg boosters, ~ 540000 Seprom and 34*2.29 Euro = ~$78 to buy Ultimate Proxium Booster - Special offers pack ".

    After the new changes the situation is much,much worse for everybody.

    Before the new update to obtain the amount of 900 booty keys, 22 500 EE, 1 800 000 RSB-75 and 45 U-LF4 you needed total of 8325 Proxiums or in my case with average of 31 Proxiums per gate I need to do 269 Gates .

    Let see the facts after 01.02.2017

    To achieve the same results after the new update you need :
    (900 booty keys + 45 U-LF4) = 45 * 40 (15+25) Proxiums = 1800 Proxiums
    22 500 EE(45*500) = 45*30 Proxiums =1350 Proxiums

    1 800 000 RSB-75(45*40000) = 45*130 Proxiums = 5850 Proxiums

    Or all total of 9000 Proxiums which in my case with average of 31 Proxiums per gate I need to do 290 Gates.

    Much,much worse people, much worse.

    Please people in the future do the math first and then complain but bear in mind that noting and I will repeat it - noting come easily to own in this game unless you invest lots of money or lots of time(like play the game 12-14 hours per day) as actually it is in the real life.

    Last edited: Feb 2, 2017
  18. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    The primary function of the gate was to collect materials to craft U-LF4's and a move from the P2W to a more balanced structure, those who already have full LF4's the gate was seen as a method of obtaining large amounts of ammo and EE cheaply and there was a balance issue and DO made a few changes by making the U-LF4's a little easier to craft by moving them down the ladder in the tiered crafting system and adjusting the ammo.

    Most of the complaints were about the Prox drops (lack of) and gate difficulty for low level players these though have not been addressed.
    From a mathematical view an accurate amount of gates needed for full U-LF4's cannot be calculated because of the amount of variables and chance factors involved.

    Asking some one to do the maths first before posting a concern in this situation is like asking some one to play roulette blindfolded with random valued chips that are remixed after each spin of the roulette wheel.
  19. termcm

    termcm User

    ok, I made it to wave 124 so far, and so far I got 7 Proxium. Truly not worth the uri, ammo and time. I am only a FE. But I think I will stop spending $ on this game. It just makes me feel that DO is screwing me over and over. good luck
  20. ChaosAgent

    ChaosAgent User

    Sorry, I guess my sarcasm doesn't translate real well... unless you are being sarcastic and then that is an awesome turnabout. :D The fact is "the 4 pages of complainers" were complaining about Proxium in ??8 out of 10?? posts. The other stuff was peripheral, and I even remember several people saying the RSB made the gate worth doing. The other complaints were the box doubler not working and it being too hard for low-level players. Why wouldn't we give feedback about those items? How would this change the fact that DO not only didn't listen to the suggestions/complaints, but took away one of the things people liked about the gate? Unless you are doubling down on my sarcasm aimed at SauronL or just haven't read the earlier posts, I'm not sure what you mean by your post.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
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