Permafrost Fissure Feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Solid_Eye, Jan 23, 2017.

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  1. ChaosAgent

    ChaosAgent User

    There is opportunity costs and then there is boring. Mining the pally fields is VERY boring and sometimes just impossible. I think that was part of the problem with this gate. Nothing new and exciting, no spectacular rewards, no chance for a big win, etc. The lottery is cool because someone got 1 million URI, someone got 30 LF4^16 lasers, multiple someones got 400K x4 ammo, etc. We were taking a chance for a big payout.

    I agree about the PvP being disabled as I didn't have much of a ship or much experience and someone was always picking away at the noobs. I like the idea of the demaner where you need 30+ players attacking or the shields are crazy big. This almost makes it safe for noobs to take a shot at the demaner, but there is always someone out there... I think the next step to get cooperation going after these big units would be to have the demaner throw a sticky mine or two on anyone who is attacking someone who is attackng the demaner or a "cosmic reflection" where ... due to the warping affects of the demaner ship, firing at ships that are attacking the demaner have a high percentage chance of the damage being reflected back to the attacker at a x10 ratio. That would dissuade some of those people who are more interested in a tiny short term gain rather than a bigger gain that takes some effort.

  2. The DROPCHA booster doesn't allow you to last through the next gate? Another thing is, scrap needs to be dropped from ships more often...
    ÐΣŁÞŖãĐØ likes this.
  3. or they can implement this :D
  4. Hmmm...Sounds too much like gambling to me..But I agree, rewards do need to be in line with what players want.
  5. USS-Aries

    USS-Aries User

    Sever issues cause the loss of the gate but yet DO will not replace the gate although the problem was DO sever related, this is bad service and must be resolved 21k uri to waste ammo on a UFO just to have the sever crash = loss of gate, loss of ammo, loss of uri, loss of end rewards and dissatisfied players. This is not a step forward but an insult on us the players who spend money to keep this game alive and keep the DO staff in jobs.
  6. So the gate is an epic grinder. Beyond epic. That's DO. But....
    The proxium drop rate is far too low even with the boosters.
    The players who need the Ul4 can't do the gate.
    Poorly conceived and implemented.
    Poorly thought through nerfing just made it worse.
    Same old npcs I've been grinding for years.
    Cut and pasting the zeta gate image and changing the color? How lazy are you people?
    I pay money to enjoy this game, I expect a little more effort.
    Don't rush out sub-par events.
    I love most of the events on DO, but this one was a real bummer.:eek:
  7. Don't worry guys. I invite you all to a Tea Party with cupcakes-sprinkled with fairy dust.
  8. New hidden Gate

    I like many did this just once and have no intention of doing again the rewards don't begin to reflect the time and ammo cost including the gate cost of building the cpu to enter, Come on "DO" a title or badge if nothing else would have been fitting and at no cost to you but to the players would have given a sense of achievement -but hey that's just my opinion.

    Another Point: Ref G5 - server.

    I am a very old returning pilot to the game.
    I held the general position on G5 until my account was stolen, that aside I am horrified as to the demise of the game in general,
    Whilst the graphics's and general game play are greatly improved, there's no sense of unity any-more this cross company clan membership has destroyed the game, ok so the active membership may have dropped off but even still there's no sense of purpose fighting defending the company you have chosen.

    I watch in total disbelief of pilot's of the same company which are members of the opposing power, some will disagree as it suit's their purpose but for the sake of the game this is suicidal and does not lay the ground for rising pilot's whom are isolated due to no banter "chat" and more so not able to look for help and assistance,
    theOtherKey likes this.
  9. Marksman

    Marksman User

    Hello, I think proxium boosters should be sold with uridium.
    At starting of the event, assembly stuff should have been well balanced.
    In addition, I think DO team should give up this ''chance to get thing''
  10. termcm

    termcm User

    I loved this gate
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