Pet keeps Repairing itself

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Dragonxs, Feb 3, 2025.

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  1. Dragonxs

    Dragonxs User

    I keep having my pet repairing itself so if I want to use my kami on gates its now got full hp and also keeps changing what i want it to do like enemy locator so keep having to go through list to find alien I want to find this needs fixing please. had 2 years away only came back last month seems lots bugs still here. No compensation for 1 day server down why not?
  2. Even if you've been away from dark orbit for 100 years,
    the bugs don't disappear anywhere ever, they seem to multiply all kind of ways.
    My PET works without such a problem, but otherwise it just messes up like it's programmed