PET losing cloak

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by PĂĽÀĐÌŅ, Jul 22, 2024.

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  1. I cloak to box and around battle stations the PET loses cloak and dies. No mines around, no other players. Is there something in battle stations that uncloaks just the PET? Never happens to my ship. Is this an issue or bug?
  2. It's a bug you have to relog your pet sometimes it happens to me.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  3. I noticed the same, last time yesterday when I turned it on it flew straight into the battle station and vaporized, a real kamikaze :D I often see other players' pets couple of secs when they are in cloak, and immediately back to the cloak, that is some bug, DO should do something about it.
    PĂĽÀĐÌŅ likes this.
  4. an enemies pet showing for a second or 2 when his/her ship is cloaked is a useful feature for canon fodder like me. it lets me know that there's a cloaker near me :)
  5. Your PET is only cloaked as long as you're cloaked, and within a specific range (typically within your game's window). Once the PET gets far enough, your PET will uncloak. But the cloak will be returned once your PET gets back to you.
    ]Coldheart[ likes this.
  6. OK but this happens when the ship and PET are both at a battle station which is close. Game has too many problems. I guess thats why they have a Unity test server coming up like talked about in Dark Orbit Discord
  7. test020

    test020 User

    not anymore, they changed so that pets uncloak when picking boxes, same way as pets interacting with mines, back then they could not but they can now.
    KilerStreak likes this.