Pet Repair Combo CSR-02

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by DukeMongo, Dec 20, 2013.

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  1. DukeMongo

    DukeMongo User

    Anyone use this gear and is it effective? Looking at using it during PVP battles with evenly matched ships so i can tip the balance in my favour. Is it worth it? Also, does it make your pet invulnerable to attacks by other players?
  2. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Yes it's very good, i use lvl 3 and it saved my life in combat couple times :)

    Other people still can shoot at your pet...
  3. Hello DukeMongo

    Thank you NoSkill$$ for assisting with this thread.

    Please check the below quote:

    Note: Players and enemy pilots can still attack your P.E.T.10
    Moving to a more appropriate section for further discussion.

    From: Newbies
    To: General Issues
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  4. its a very good gear, to bad you cant using it during the battle^^ but theres the Techs factory for during battle items^^
  5. Thank you all for assisting with this thread.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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