Pilot Bio Guide

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 19, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Pilot Bio Guide/Tips
    Pilot bio Guide header.png
    Thread Header © shakenbake88 2011
    In this guide you will find:
    • Some example images with Pilot point layouts as well as costs and benefits
    • Details on what each skill is
    • Credit and Seprom costs for upgrading the skills
    • Hints and tips for when choosing your skills
    • Costs for resetting the pilot bio
    • Costs in uridium for each pilot point
    • Goals for you to aim for when gathering log disks with time estimates
    • Answers to frequently asked questions
    Before you read this guide if you want to know any of the following:
    • How to use the Pilot Bio
    • What are log disks and how to get pilot points
    • What are different ways to get log disks
    • How does the Pilot bio take effect
    • Other questions on the pilot bio
    Then please look at these two links first:
    FAQ 1
    FAQ 2

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sample Skill Paths This Pic will show you what you can get and a few ideas as to what you can spend you PP on for defence and offence
    benefits and at what cost.
    (Coming Soon)

    Quick Note: I didn’t bother using all 50 PP as the cost for the last few is so high I don’t see any benefit that would be worth the cost.

    You are paying 1.3 mill Uridium (equivalent to just over 125.00 USD on Mega Happy Hour) for:

      • 50,000 HP
      • 5% faster repair rate
      • 25% more shield strength
      • Reduce enemy hit rate by 12%
      • Lasers cause 12% more damage
      • Shields withstand 12% more damage
      • Increase in hit probability of lasers by 6%
    You are paying 1.6mill Uridium (equivalent to just over 150.00 USD on Mega Happy Hour) for:

      • 50,000 HP
      • 5% faster repair rate
      • 25% more shield strength
      • Reduce enemy hit rate by 12%
      • Lasers cause 12% more damage
      • Shields withstand 12% more damage
      • Increase in hit probability of lasers by 12%
      • (only thing extra is the 6% more probability of hits with lasers)
    You are paying 4,390,200 Uridium (equivalent to over 425.00 USD on Mega Happy Hour) for:

      • 50,000 HP
      • 5% faster repair rate
      • 25% more shield strength
      • Reduce enemy hit rate by 12%
      • Lasers cause 12% more damage
      • Shields withstand 12% more damage
      • Increase in hit probability of lasers by 12%
      • Rockets cause 15% more damage
      • Increase hit probability rockets by 10%
      • (Only things extra is the damage of rockets and probability of them hitting is increased)
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cost effective Skill Path

    Here is another example image of the skill path you could choose. This picture is based on getting the best offensive and defensive benefits using minimal costs

    (Coming Soon)
    I have separated them into categories primary, secondary and tertiary.

    Primary i would say is worth its money if you were actually planning on investing cash into the pilot bio. I selected the other ones that were also useful but weren't as desperately needed/wanted and have placed them into the secondary category.

    With the second category you can already see the cost is much higher and you wont get as many benefits so it is up to you if you are willing to invest that extra 150 dollars or so into the bio.

    Tertiary i would strongly recommend that you don't actually buy any log disks for even if it is from the uri in bonus boxes etc. The reason why is the cost is tremendously higher for skills that aren't going to provide any major advantages. I suggest that the log disks for these skills only come from all those galaxy gate spins or boss and uber npcs that you kill...

    Skill Levels

    Here is a chart for quick reference on what the levels for each skill gives

    (Coming Soon)

    Offensive:(Coming Soon)

    Resource:(Coming Soon)
    *Many thanks to kitsune9 for creating the chart

    Details for each skill
    *To completely max out any skill will require 5 PP, although some may have been split into two parts
    *Skill levels with * next to them are the second part to that skill
    *When a skill is required to be "maxed" in order to have a visual effect, this will include both parts to that skill.


    Ship Hull (I+II)
    Description: Increase maximum amount of Hp
    Level 1: 5,000 HP
    Level 2: 10,000 HP
    Level 1*: 15,000 HP
    Level 2*: 25,000 HP
    Level 3*: 50,000 HP

    Description: Increases repair rate
    Level 1: 5%
    Level 2: 10%
    Level 3: 15%
    Level 4: 20%
    Level 5: 30%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed, see image here

    Shield Engineering
    Description: Increases total shield strength
    Level 1: 4%
    Level 2: 8%
    Level 3: 12%
    Level 4: 18%
    Level 5: 25%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed, see image here

    Evasive Maneuvers (I+II)
    Description: Reduces the chance of an enemy hit
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 1*: 6%
    Level 2*: 8%
    Level 3*: 12%
    *This skill gives a visual effect (does not need to be maxed), Image Unavailable
    Details: Any shot that this skill causes to miss will show up in blue instead of the usual purple

    Shield Mechanics
    Description: Increases the amount your shield can withstand (increases shield/hull absorption ratio)
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 3: 6%
    Level 4: 8%
    Level 5: 12%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed, see image here


    Detonation (I+II)
    Description: Increase mine damage
    Level 1: 7%
    Level 2: 14%
    Level 1*: 21%
    Level 2*: 28%
    Level 3*: 50%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed.

    Description: Increases mine damage radius
    Level 1: 4%
    Level 2: 8%
    Level 3: 12%
    Level 4: 18%
    Level 5: 25%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed.

    Heat seeking missiles
    Description: Increases hit probability of your rockets
    Level 1: 1%
    Level 2: 2%
    Level 3: 4%
    Level 4: 6%
    Level 5: 10%
    *This skill gives a visual effect (does not need to be maxed).
    Details: Please be aware that the only visual effect from this skill is the red glow (not the purple smoke trail).
    Any missile that would have missed without this skill will have the red glow

    Bounty Hunter (I+II)
    Description: Increases laser damage against other players
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 1*: 6%
    Level 2*: 8%
    Level 3*: 12%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed.

    Description: Increases hit probability of lasers
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 3: 6%
    Level 4: 8%
    Level 5: 12%
    *This skill gives a visual effect (does not need to be maxed).
    Details: Any shot that would have missed without this skill will show up in blue numbers instead of the usual red
    *Information and pic provided by toroca

    Rocket Fusion
    Description: Increases rocket damage
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 3: 6%
    Level 4: 8%
    Level 5: 15%
    *This skill gives a visual effect when maxed.

    Alien Hunter
    Description: Increases laser damage against NPCs
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 3: 6%
    Level 4: 8%
    Level 5: 12%


    Description: Increases EP for NPC only kills
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 3: 6%
    Level 4: 8%
    Level 5: 12%

    Description: Expands cargo bay
    Level 1: 4%
    Level 2: 8%
    Level 3: 12%
    Level 4: 18%
    Level 5: 25%

    Luck (I+II)
    Description: Increases the amount of uridium in bonus boxes
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 1*: 6%
    Level 2*: 8%
    Level 3*: 12%

    Cruelty (I+II)
    Description: Increases amount of honour received
    Level 1: 4%
    Level 2: 8%
    Level 1*: 12%
    Level 2*: 18%
    Level 3*: 25%

    Description: Increases amount of credits from NPC kills
    Level 1: 4%
    Level 2: 8%
    Level 3: 12%
    Level 4: 18%
    Level 5: 25%

    Tractor beam (I)
    Description: Increase loot from cargo
    Level 1: 1%
    Level 2: 2%
    Level 3: 3%
    Level 4: 4%
    Level 5: 6%

    Tractor beam (II)
    Description: Increase loot from bonus boxes
    Level 1: 2%
    Level 2: 4%
    Level 3: 6%
    Level 4: 8%
    Level 5: 12%

    *Images provided by -›WhiteLazer‹-
    Credit and Seprom costs

    Here is a chart for quick reference on the costs for each skill:

    Defensive:(Coming Soon)

    Offensive:(Coming Soon)

    Resource:(Coming Soon)
    *Many thanks to kitsune9 for creating the chart

    The following skills increase by 10,000 credits for each level

    Ship Hull (I) - (2 levels)
    Tactics - (5 levels)
    Detonation (I) - (2 levels)
    Engineering - (5 levels)
    Logistics - (5 levels)
    Explosives - (5 levels)
    Shield Engineering - (5 levels)
    Heat Seeking missiles - (5 levels)

    Level 1:
    Seprom: 0

    Level 2:
    Seprom: 0

    Level 3:
    Seprom: 0

    Level 4:
    Seprom: 0

    Level 5:
    Seprom: 0

    Seprom: 0

    The following skills increase by 100,000 Credits and 100 Seprom for each level

    Evasive Maneuvers (I) - (2 levels)
    Luck (I) - (2 levels)
    Bounty Hunter (I) - (2 levels)
    Ship Hull (II) - (3 levels)
    Cruelty (I) - (2 levels)
    Rocket Fusion - (5 levels)
    Tractor Beam (I) - (2 levels)
    Alien Hunter - (5 levels)

    Level 1:
    Seprom: 100

    Level 2:
    Seprom: 200

    Level 3:
    Seprom: 300

    Level 4:
    Seprom: 400

    Level 5:
    Seprom: 500

    Seprom: 1,500

    The following skills increase by 1,000,000 Credits and 1,000 Seprom for each level

    Shield Mechanics - (5 levels)
    Greed - (5 levels)
    Detonation (II) - (3 levels)
    Tractor Beam (II) - (3 levels)
    Electro-Optics - (5 levels)
    Evasive Maneuvers (II) - (3 levels)
    Cruelty (II) - (3 levels)
    Bounty Hunter (II) - (3 levels)
    Luck (II) - (3 levels)

    Level 1:
    Seprom: 1,000

    Level 2:
    Seprom: 2,000

    Level 3:
    Seprom: 3,000

    Level 4:
    Seprom: 4,000

    Level 5:
    Seprom: 5,000

    Seprom: 15,000

    *Information originally provided by thechurchofbob
    Hints and tips for when choosing your skills

    What i recommend against upgrading:

    EP and Honour upgrades
    The reason I see these as a waste is because the amount of uri that you would use for these minor boosts could instead be invested in gates and then ammo like x3 to complete them faster. This would gain you much more EP and Honour and also at a much faster rate. Unless you have a large surplus of uridium this skill will probably be a waste
    Also to clarify, the EP skill does NOT increase the reward from completing the gates or quests

    Uridium in Bonus Boxes
    I strongly recommend against this upgrade, unless you are a very dedicated bonus box collector who is willing to sit there for many months or even years collecting just to repay what you spent on this skill, it will be counterproductive

    Increase in cargo loot from kills
    The same reason as for the EP and Honour upgrades

    More credits for alien kills
    Since when did anybody want to start trading uridium for credits? Credits are used in bids for uri items so there is no point in using uridium to get credits to get uridium items if you get my drift...
    Things that might still be of use:
    Faster repair rate
    Up to you if you want to wait 30% less time repairing at the expense of 5 pilot points. It may have its benefits in certain situations and help alleviate the waiting times

    Increase in mine damage and radius.
    Before investing 5-10 PP in this consider how many times using a mine has actually helped you achieve getting a kill. 1/200? Maybe less. Just getting an enemy to run over mines can be a pain, but then it is up to you, maybe if you are skilled in the art of using mines then the 10 PP will be worth your while.
    Just to clarify this will not affect smart bombs ONLY mines.
    Expand cargo bay
    You are better off buying the orange goli add-on that comes with a drone that lets you sell ore instantly basically eliminating the need for more cargo space. But then this is up to you. There is a certain benefit in that it will allow you to send more to your ship in a single round so this may be of use by some.
    Increase in damage to aliens
    Instead of paying all this uri to get a maximum increase of 12% damage to aliens only, consider what else you could invest your uri in. It would probably be more beneficial just to buy a heap of x3s and you will receive better results. Then again you will start receiving the benefits in comparison after about a year of solid playing so again, up to you.
    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Resetting the Pilot Bio

    Remember to think carefully before you start spending heaps of Pilot Points on things you might not need as it will cost even more uri to undo what you have spent in order to reselect new skills.

    Here are the costs for each time you reset your Pilot Bio
    1,000 Uridium
    2. 2,000
    3. 4,000
    4. 8,000
    5. 16,000
    6. 32,000
    7. 64,000
    8. 128,000
    9. 256,000
    10. 512,000
    11. 1,024,000
    12. 2,048,000
    13. 4,096,000
    14. 8,192,000
    15. 16,384,000
    16. 32,768,000
    17. 65,536,000
    18. 131,072,000
    19. 262,144,000
    20. 524,288,000

    Cost in uridium for each pilot point

    1. 9,000
    2. 9,900
    3. 10,800
    4. 12,000
    5. 13,200
    6. 14,400
    7. 15,900
    8. 17,400
    9. 19,200
    10. 21,300
    TOTAL: 143,100

    12. 25,800
    13. 28,200
    14. 31,200
    15. 34,200
    16. 37,500
    17. 41,400
    18. 45,600
    19. 50,100
    20. 54,900
    TOTAL: 515,400

    22. 66,600
    23. 73,200
    24. 80,700
    25. 88,500
    26. 97,500
    27. 107,400
    28. 117,900
    29. 129,900
    30. 142,800
    TOTAL: 1,480,500

    32. 172,800
    33. 189,900
    34. 209,100
    35. 229,800
    36. 252,900
    37. 278,100
    38. 306,000
    39. 336,600
    40. 370,200
    TOTAL: 3,982,800

    42. 448,200
    43. 492,900
    44. 542,100
    45. 596,400
    46. 656,100
    47. 721,500
    48. 793,800
    49. 873,300
    50. 960,600
    TOTAL: 10,475,100
    *Info based on this chart provided by support
    *Also see chart for amount of Log Disks required for each Pilot Point

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goals to aim for Here are some goals for you to aim for if you are planning on collecting Log disks individually.

    Rate of:
    3 log disks a day (equiv to finding or earning 900 Uri)
    10 PP – 159 days > 0.4 years
    20 PP – 572.6 days > 1.6 years
    30 PP – 1645 days > 4.5 years
    40 PP – 4425.3 days > 12.1 years
    50 PP – 11639 days > 31.9 years

    6 Log disks a day (equiv to finding or earning 1800 Uri)
    10 PP – 79.5 days > 0.2 years
    20 PP – 286.3 days > 0.8 years
    30 PP – 822.5 days > 2.3 years
    40 PP – 2212.7 days > 6.1 years
    50 PP – 5819.5 days > 15.9 years

    10 log disks a day (equiv to finding or earning 3000 Uri)
    10 PP – 47.7 days > 0.1 years
    20 PP – 171.1 days > 0.5 years
    30 PP – 493.5 days > 1.4 years
    40 PP – 1327.6 days > 3.6 years
    50 PP – 3491.7 days > 9.6 years
    20 log disks a day (equiv to finding or earning 6000 Uri)
    10 PP – 23.9 days > 0.05 years
    20 PP – 85.6 days > 0.25 years
    30 PP – 246.8 days > 0.7 years
    40 PP – 663.8 days > 1.8 years
    50 PP – 1745.9 days > 4.8 years

    40 log disks a day (equiv to finding or earning 12000 Uri)
    10 PP – 12 days > 0.025 years
    20 PP – 42.8 days > 0.125 years
    30 PP – 123.4 days > 0.35 years
    40 PP – 331.9 days > 0.9 years
    50 PP – 873 days > 2.4 years

    Answers to frequently asked questions

    What is the difference between shield engineering and shield mechanics and do they stack?
    For Shield Engineering, this will act in the same way as boosters and resources. It adds x% to your shields total. For Shield Mechanics, this will increase the amount that your shields can absorb from the damage taken. For example, with the BO2 shield generator the Shield/Hull distribution is normally 80%/20%. With this skill maxed out you will get an additional 12% absorption increase for your shield. So the Shield/Hull distribution will now be 92%/8%. Yes Shield Engineering and Shield Mechanics stack.
    *Answer originally provided by .~M.o.P~.[$.B]

    How do I buy Log-Discs at a 5% lower cost, I am premium and it still says 300 Uri.
    The rebate happens automatically upon purchase. If you are going to buy large amounts of log discs, you might want to get the rebate pack which, with premium, will make the log discs 210 uri each. It'll still say 300 in the hanger, but the rebate happens when you buy it.
    *Answer originally provided by thechurchofbob

    For skills that have two parts (I and II), when I have them both will they be added together?
    No. If you have maxed out both parts of the skill only the second will take effect, however the first level will always be a prerequisite in order to add pilot points to the second.
    *Answer originally provided by -›WhiteLazer‹-

    How do I increase the size of the bubble from shield engineering, some people have a huge bubble while others seem
    smaller, what is that all about?

    The reason why you see some people's "bubble effect" is significantly larger is because of their angle of their ship.
    *Answer originally provided by ~AlexL93~
    Does the “Detonation” and “Explosives” skills affect smart bombs?
    Unfortunately no, these will only affect mines.
    Does Bounty Hunter only work against players (so it does not increase damages against NPCs)?
    Yes, it works only against players. There is separate skill that grants a damage bonus against NPCs. Rocket skills work against ALL enemies.
    *Answer originally provided by toroca
    What is the minimal amount of Pilot Points i'd have to spend to complete the bounty hunter II skill?
    21 is the absolute minimum required, the order goes as follows:
    Ship Hull I - 2 pp
    Engineering - 1pp
    Shield Engineering - 2pp
    Bounty Hunter I - 2pp
    Ship Hull II - 3pp
    Shield Mechanics - 5pp
    Electro-optics - 3pp
    Bounty Hunter II - 3pp
    TOTAL = 21 PP
    COST = 576,000

    Thank you to: Midnight_Lotus, Whitelazers and churchofbob for their assistance on this thread
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
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