Pilot Bio Log Disk - Cost Chart

Discussion in 'FAQ' started by ASTRAEA, Nov 20, 2013.

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    ASTRAEA User

    Pilot Bio Log Disk - Cost Chart

    # of Pilot Points # of Log Disks to get Total Log Disks Cost (Uridium) 25% Rebate 5% Premium 30% Rebate and Premium
    1 30 30 9000 6750 8550 6300
    2 33 63 9900 7425 9405 6930
    3 36 99 10800 8100 10260 7560
    4 40 139 12000 9000 11400 8400
    5 44 183 13200 9900 12540 9240
    6 48 231 14400 10800 13680 10080
    7 53 284 15900 11925 15105 11130
    8 58 342 17400 13050 16530 12180
    9 64 406 19200 14400 18240 13440
    10 71 477 21300 15975 20235 14910
    11 78 555 23400 17550 22230 16380
    12 86 641 25800 19350 24510 18060
    13 94 735 28200 21150 26790 19740
    14 104 839 31200 23400 29640 21840
    15 114 953 34200 25650 32490 23940
    16 125 1078 37500 28125 35625 26250
    17 138 1216 41400 31050 39330 28980
    18 152 1368 45600 34200 43320 31920
    19 167 1535 50100 37575 47595 35070
    20 183 1718 54900 41175 52155 38430
    21 202 1920 60600 45450 57570 42420
    22 222 2142 66600 49950 63270 46620
    23 244 2386 73200 54900 69540 51240
    24 269 2655 80700 60525 76665 56490
    25 295 2950 88500 66375 84075 61950
    26 325 3275 97500 73125 92625 68250
    27 358 3633 107400 80550 102030 75180
    28 393 4026 117900 88425 112005 82530
    29 433 4459 129900 97425 123405 90930
    30 476 4935 142800 107100 135660 99960
    31 523 5458 156900 117675 149055 109830
    32 576 6034 172800 129600 164160 120960
    33 633 6667 189900 142425 180405 132930
    34 697 7364 209100 156825 198645 146370
    35 766 8130 229800 172350 218310 160860
    36 843 8973 252900 189675 240255 177030
    37 927 9900 278100 208575 264195 194670
    38 1020 10920 306000 229500 290700 214200
    39 1122 12042 336600 252450 319770 235620
    40 1234 13276 370200 277650 351690 259140
    41 1358 14634 407400 305550 387030 285180
    42 1494 16128 448200 336150 425790 313740
    43 1643 17771 492900 369675 468255 345030
    44 1,807 19,578 542100 406575 514995 379470
    45 1988 21566 596400 447300 566580 417480
    46 2187 23753 656100 492075 623295 459270
    47 2405 26158 721500 541125 685425 505050
    48 2646 28804 793800 595350 754110 555660
    49 2911 31715 873300 654975 829635 611310
    50 3202 34917 960600 720450 912570 672420
    Totals 34917 369061 10475100 7856325 9951345 7332570

    #Đištúrḃéđ# and Odin® like this.
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