please extend weekend bonuses

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Sh0wMustGo0n, Mar 31, 2024.

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  1. Please extend weekend bonuses to weekdays for this week. NOVA weekend bonus is active only once a month and the game was totally unplayable this weekend.
  2. DrillON

    DrillON User

    How about fixing the game so people can play cant log in again that's about 25 times this year shocking.
  3. Kernow69

    Kernow69 User

    Another day of "Establishing Connection.... Please Wait" forever as you're not going to get to play today:mad:
  4. **Scarab**

    **Scarab** User

    they should re-do the event , if you cant connect its their fault............
  5. Another day of problems... Not being able to connect, when you finally get a connection, you can't jump to other maps or into GGs and the list goes on. Event / GG weekend bonuses should be extended. This is ridiculous :mad:
  6. Extended doesn't help when you have to work during the week that's why weekend booster sales are up cause that's when we play or now it's when all the bot's get to play and the rest of us get screwed again.
  7. BF-109E

    BF-109E User

    bloody nora two days still cant get on
  8. I hear ya and I feel your frustration :mad: It's definitely not fair to those of you that may only have opportunity to play on weekends because of other commitments during the week like work, school etc :(
    It sucks that after all these years, they're either incompetent or simply refuse and don't care to get things under control
    TheDutchAvenger likes this.