Plutus Experiment feedback

Discussion in 'Game Discussion & Feedback' started by Deter, Feb 6, 2019.

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  1. 2. Damage doesn’t determine skins - you can only get skins from first lock in 4-4. Damage only determines chance at Hecate, which is defined in almost all medium brackets as “rare chance” and in high as a “small chance”

    3. It doesn’t though. Unless the heavy hitters don’t shoot the beacon, which most do, they’re boosting what you would normally get by increasing the difficulty of the spawn, increasing potential rewards for everyone. Plus, they’re not the only ones who benefit from multiple spawns.

    4. As bad as it seems at first it’s a good thing. The nuke is a barrier between the ability to spam rewards. Getting 100k ammo worth of sep, 30k 6x+ ammo, and 3 days of dlb in only 25k points would be insane. If it helps, think of it as a reward every 10k points on average.

    Also, we do NOT want a tech cooldown reducer, those techs are broken and shouldn’t be a staple for pvp.
  2. Sgt~Ocker

    Sgt~Ocker User

    Don't know what happened to your 1 but for 2 you might want to go read the FAQ (which is what i took my info from) for how the skins are awarded. I actually got my Hecate using X2 ammo and have had 1st lock a few times in 4-4 but never done top damage so no skins...

    3. Seriously do we play different games? Regardless of whether the heavy hitters hit the beacon or not they will still do far more damage to it than those who can't hit as hard or afford to spend 10K on each spawn for RB ammo. Of course they benefit from doing multiple spawns, they hit the hardest they get the top progression pioints EVERY TIME.
    Heavy hitters can get 10K progress points while others average 1600 - Or less.

    4. I'm not saying remove the NUKE (50K progress points) category, I'm suggesting it give a better more useful reward for the cost.,.

    Sadly those techs have become a staple for PVP - you getting hit for 700 or 800K per volley (in group fights) you just die. PVP as a whole in the game is broken, lasers have been buffed continuasly over the years while shields and HP have pretty much remained the same - !V! is not a thing so group fighting is it - Either buff HP and shield OR give us some other way to compete against the top players that hit harder than a bus - in groups of 5 or 6 at a time.
    NB; HP's were a help but have now been made obsolete thanks to Promi lasers.,. More damage per volley doesn't make for "better" PVP, it actually breaks it.
  3. Star*Fire

    Star*Fire User

    I'm don't care about the rewards or the ship if I have to do something that is boring as it can get to get them. Once again I play to have fun, kill sometime. I play at the most 1.5/2 hours daily if that. My time in the game is worth more to me. I rather be having fun then casing bordom. Just saying. "Enjoy" it's a game not life.
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