POLL: Heart or Moth drone formation?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ShomilaC, Dec 21, 2013.

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Heart or Moth drone formation?

  1. Heart

  2. Moth

  1. ShomilaC

    ShomilaC User

    I am wondering if I should go Heart or Moth drone formation mostly for hunting/doing galaxy gates.
    If I should go Moth which configs should I use?
    If I should go Heart should I use 10% shield or 5% dmg design?
  2. NoSkill$$

    NoSkill$$ User

    Hard to chose between em because i use em both while hunting.. When i hunt i standard have heart on, if enemy switches to crab formation i switch to moth..

    In gates i use none of em, i use bat formation then..

    So if i really had to chose I'd go for heart.
  3. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Moth was great for hunting the bots when they were still about in huge numbers, heart is good for more things in today's game than moth is, in my opinion.
  4. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    I always hunt and go tank config, therefore, Moth all the way.
  5. I'd say moth for the gates, and Heart for PvP.
    ..peanut.. likes this.
  6. ..peanut..

    ..peanut.. User

    You know people based on my current knowledge about the specialization of this 2 drone formations heart are mostly used in PvP battles and Moth for hunting aliens/Galaxy gates anyways this drone formation are good all i have to say is that depends on how you will use it.