porting the game to unity

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by S.k.e.y.p[RUS], Jan 7, 2025.

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  1. Hello! After transferring the game from the flash client to the unity client, the following problem appeared. The game map does not display panels with buttons, I can not activate the pet, I can not switch the ship configuration, I can not do anything. The phrase "safe zone" constantly hangs over the ship. My server is gb2, as I understand it is ge5. So if I create a new account on the ge5 server, the game map will work. I can enter the game, both from the flash client and from the unity client, but the game map does not work anywhere. I wrote to support, but they do not answer. What to do next?
  2. 5 days have passed. Nothing has changed. Support responded once a day. The last time they promised to fix it and that was it.