Predator Design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Jan 27, 2014.

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  1. i think it should be set up like this. 10% shield boost, Phantom detection system: about 3000 units no ship other than the spearhead remains cloaked to the user of the ship for 30 second the reload time should be 14minutes. It will uncloak the spearhead if the Ability is used if the spearhead is with in 1300 units of the ship and used ultimate cloaking but the cloak will only be removed for 5 seconds. and increase the spearheads reload time by 5 minutes. Instead of drone cloaking the disability will be the ship has A larger radar unit there for removing cargo space 2350 cargo space, with modifications on pilot bio and pet will not increase it beyond this point. Also the ship will not be able to Use EMP due to damaging its own radar.

    VESPID User

    I'll add your suggestion to this idea sawyer.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 4, 2014
  3. Full_force

    Full_force User

    Telling you no we don't want a legal bot is the topic at hand. Just because you can't accept that simple fact does not mean it is off topic.

    VESPID User

    If it is only once per person and possibly accompanied by an assisting suggestion to fix it in a nice way, yea it is on topic.

    However anything less it just becomes opinionated spamming comments.
  5. We already have legal bots, PET

    VESPID User

    Not everybody has or even wants a pet, this idea assists them but in no way interferes with that notion. I removed cloak detection.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2014

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Still a no lol.

    VESPID User

    Doh!!! You're a meany head!!!
    I got rid of the cloak detection....
    There is just no pleasing some people.
  9. I Want This :cool: but.. maybe 200k?
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Would 150K work???
    -E•O•N- likes this.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Is that the price in uridium? How about no, you can't please me because I don't want these crazy things implemented.
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    This is but one idea, what things are you referring to????

    BOSS~ADAM User

    The price is ridiculous, the idea is still aimed at credit ships and noobs because it gives x3 damage to ships with an unedited base of 160k, noobs wouldn't be able to afford this and more powerful ships would abuse it, it's a no win situation.
  14. Agree


    Hmmm...ability to detect cloacked ships....YES! And then, maybe a laser that causes 500.000 dmg per shot would be a good idea..... :mad:
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Detection has already been shot down for now but 500K dmg will be a challenge, I'll gladly back you if you want to try.
  17. Full_force

    Full_force User


    Just stop and think for a while.
    TheTaser(V) likes this.
  18. VESPID

    VESPID User

    The design I'm proposing offers drone invisibility, ship company color and damage boost for select ships. This design is available to all ships.

    The suggested price of the design will be 150K uri.

    The drones will be invisible to all other pilots.
    The ship gains the company color skin.
    The design makes all ships with less than 160K Hp's deal x3 laser damage.

    Topic. <-----Please stay on it.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    Giving credit ships stupidly powerful damage, just what we need, the developers pretty much said there'd be no updates, buffs, increases to the credit ships in any way shape or form, to expensive, useless, not needed, I don't even know who wants this besides you.
  20. VESPID

    VESPID User

    This design is available for all ships.
    Thank you for trying.
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