Predator Design

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Jan 27, 2014.

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    VESPID User

    That is easy enough to fix.
    Only the lasers the ship holds may be employed with this design.
  2. You are completely unreasonable as just proved in this post. Good work contradicting yourself. This is bad and cannot be fixed, golly.

    VESPID User

    It is evolving, with all the assisting suggestions that you guys keep flooding me with.

    BOSS~ADAM User

    I see it evolving from an idea to an argument then a rant then a discussion about rules then a dead closed thread.

    VESPID User

    That is my take on the forum because of it's members.....How ironic.
    BTW, stay on topic.
  6. As long as this was specific to the Bigboy I think this is a good idea.

    Essentially, this is a design for a Bigboy. The Bigboy would benefit from this and we would actually get a unique ship.

    Say what you will about credit ships, but uridium ships are currently not significantly difficult to purchase. I can get a Goliath for as much as a Bigboy.

    It would be slow like the citadel but unique in that it can dish out tons of damage. It would be an excellent trade off, especially considering it has no special boost ability.

    Vespid, perhaps you should state that it is a Bigboy specific design. Essentially, it's a viable Bigboy design that I think could add a nice mix to the game.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2014
  7. lol.

    My brain hurts.

    VESPID User

    I'll have to say no to BigBoy only design since the option of improving the credit ships has been deemed unnecessary by the D.O. authorities.

    I will however open the BigBoy to the damage boost aspect as well as the rest of the ships that qualify for this assist.
    Considering the speed and Hp restrictions of the BigBoy, the x2 LASER damage should be a balanced boon.
    Yes the laser damage was reduced to x2!!!

    The updated idea is now:

    The design I'm proposing offers drone invisibility, ship company color and damage boost for select ships. This design is available to all ships.

    The suggested price of the design will be 100K uri. and will be available in trade.

    The following benefits of this design are such:

    The drones will be invisible to all other pilots.
    The ship gains the company color skin.
    The design makes all ships with a bass of 160K Hp's or less deal x2 laser damage.
    Only the lasers the ship holds may be employed with this design.
    This tech will not be active for The Leonov Ship in the lower home maps.
  9. Are you serious -_- this is the stupidest design ive ever heard of -_- it is really op and is just ridiculous reducing some ships damage to x2 is stupid because what if u hit a combo? reduced to x2.... waste!
  10. VESPID

    VESPID User

    I reduced the x3 laser damage to x2 laser damage that the design offered.
    Please focus your answer to correctly.
    Thank you for trying.
  11. What he's saying is, put on this design and deal double damage as well as all that other stuff. Your LF4s will do 400 instead of 200. I noticed you said ships with less than 160k hp. You're always limiting your ideas to the junk you happen to fly in. And leo can't use it either?

    Might as well go get a damage hack. Same thing as this.
  12. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Double laser damage, A leo can use it.....Outside the lower home maps.
    Was I wrong to assume you were better than this???
    Thank you for trying.
  13. I have to agree on what cooljak said.

    Absolutely no need for invisible drones... And I don't see a need for me dmg.
    Unstoppable likes this.
  14. VESPID

    VESPID User

    100% damage went bye bye a while ago.
    I understand the need may not include forum members, not every player in the game is a forum member.
  15. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    It doesn't really matter, does it? Because we are the ones on the forum that also play the game. We gave our opinion of it. Nice try though, trying to convince us that SOMEONE! SOMEONE in the game somewhere wants it.
  16. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Yes, it does.
    Opinions serve no real purpose than a passive comment that pales by comparison to a suggestion that is on topic, assisting and even worthy of reading.

    Our accord is now broken, expect to see me in your posts frequently.
    BTW. Stay on topic in my posts!!!
  17. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    You do realize that you are the one that went off topic correct? In post #134 to be exact, and again in post #136.
    BOSS~ADAM likes this.
  18. VESPID

    VESPID User

    Yea, yea, yea.....Here, the topic at hand:

    The design I'm proposing offers drone invisibility, ship company color and damage boost for select ships. This design is available to all ships.

    The suggested price of the design will be 100K uri. and will be available in trade.

    The following benefits of this design are such:

    The drones will be invisible to all other pilots.
    The ship gains the company color skin.
    The design makes all ships with a bass of 160K Hp's or less deal x2 laser damage.
    Only the lasers the ship holds may be employed with this design.
    This tech will not be active for The Leonov Ship in the lower home maps.
  19. Just quit responding to this crap. Let his thread die.
  20. Its a no from me as well as a no from the Dev team.

    Its already been said no credit ships alone will receive updates or items specifically for them...
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