Price Adjustments in Turkish Payment

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Oddessey, Jan 15, 2024.

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  1. Oddessey

    Oddessey Team Leader Team Darkorbit

    Hello Space Pilots,

    We would like to inform you about a price adjustment that will take place in DarkOrbit very soon.

    As you all know, DarkOrbit offers many payment methods in many different countries. According to the economic situation in different countries, the prices in our payment section are different. This may be due to exchange rates, as each country has its own currency. So when you buy in-game items, the price is converted from the developer's original currency to your country's currency using exchange rates. And this conversion can lead to price differences.

    Of course, different countries have different costs of living, which affects how much people can afford to spend on in-game purchases. In addition, economic conditions, taxes and regulations can vary from country to country. As a result, players are charged different prices in different countries, and in some cases the ability to get lower prices has been seriously abused.

    Also, the economic situation in some countries has changed a lot in recent months. Therefore, we need to adjust our prices to reflect these factors and we are now aiming to create a fairer pricing structure and playing environment for all our players.

    What are the changes?
    In order to keep up with economic changes over time, we have decided to make some price adjustments for our Turkish payment section. Our decisions to set new prices are based on what players pay for the goods and services in their lives. This includes metrics such as purchasing power parity and consumer price indexes, which help to compare prices and costs across a range of different economic sectors.

    The price adjustments for the Turkish payment section will go live on 15.01.2024.

    We ask for your understanding in this matter. We are committed to ensuring that price changes are reflected in improved quality and game play.

    We thank our players for their loyalty and for their feedback, ideas and suggestions, which we constantly share with the game team. Your input is vital to the success of the game and we value your constructive opinions.

    Please feel free to leave your feedback here: [Feedback Thread].

    Your DarkOrbit Team
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