probability is well out of sync plz fix

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ★★★JUICYLUCY★★★, Dec 16, 2013.

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  1. I have spun 110 spins on epsilon and got 0 gate parts. I would like an explaination as to how that is a 13% probability. It is in fact a o% probability so something has to be wrong.
  2. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Are you saying that you got no gate parts at all or that you got no new gate parts but got multipliers as these would be 2 VERY different statements.

    If you are getting no gate parts at all then there is a problem, If you are trying to get the last part for a gate however then you could spin a lot more than 110 spins to get the last unique part.
    The odds are meant to be 13% gate parts or multipliers and not 13% unique ones.

    Does this answer your question or is there anything more you would like to ask?

  3. Thanks Harley, yea ive had endless multiplyers but none resulted in a gate part. Ive tried spinning singles, fives and tens. I need 10 parts to finish it, so i guess im just unlucky. Looks as though I have had 13% multipliers then :( You can close now thanks
  4. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User

    Sorry I cannot offer more in this instance. I personally always spin 10s and use each multiplier as soon as I get them. It works for me but others may feel that there are better methods. The facts are that it is very much a random as to which gate part you will get and obviously the more you have then the higher the chance of getting a double and triggering a multiplier.

    Closing now as requested by OP .

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