Prometheus Days FAQ

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Malaikat, Nov 23, 2023.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    24.11 - 29.11
    To commemorate the signing of the “Prometheus Day Treaty” on this very date after the Three-Day War, MMO, EIC and VRU are opening up their markets to all mankind. Don’t miss the sweet, sweet Prometheus Day deals at cutthroat prices!

    Prometheus Booty Boxes - Entire Event Duration
    Appear on the following Maps:

    • X2 - X8
    • Battle Maps
    • Pirate Maps

    Prometheus Fragments are required to open them, and can be obtained through finishing specific gates, one daily mission, or payment.

    *Note - Some payment packages will contain special rewards!

    Main Package
    Additional Content60%

    Epic Package
    ContentDrop Chance
    Inferno Venom Ship Design
    Inferno Sentinel P.E.T. Design
    2 Inferno Drone Design
    Ocean Hecate Ship Design
    Ocean Spectrum P.E.T. Design
    Ocean Spectrum Drone Design
    Ocean Goliath-X Drone Design
    Carbonite Mimesis Ship Design
    Carbonite Cyborg P.E.T. Design
    Carbonite Hammerclaw Drone Design
    Carbonite Enigma Drone Design
    Lava Cyborg Ship Design
    Lava Chimera P.E.T. Design
    Lava Diminisher Drone Design
    Lava Sentinel Drone Design

    Legend Package
    ContentDrop Chance
    Prometheus Citadel Plus Ship Design16.67%
    Prometheus Goliath Plus Ship Design16.67%
    Prometheus Diminisher Ship Design16.66%
    Prometheus Disruptor Ship Design8.34%
    Prometheus Solace Ship Design8.34%
    Prometheus Holo Ship Design8.33%
    Prometheus Keres Ship Design8.33%
    Prometheus Spectrum Ship Design8.33%
    Prometheus Mimesis Ship Design8.33%

    Rare Package
    ContentDrop Chance
    Lava Goliath-X Ship Design25%
    Frost C-Elite Ship Design25%
    Argon Mimesis Ship Design25%
    Frost Diminisher Ship Design25%

    Common Package
    ContentDrop Chance
    Blaze Enigma Drone Design16.6%
    Ocean A-Elite Drone Design16.6%
    Ocean Pusat Drone Design16.6%
    Blaze Phantom Drone Design16.6%
    Sandstorm Goliath-X Drone Design16.6%
    Poison Phantom Drone Design16.6%

    Additional Content Package
    ContentAmountDrop Chance
    Indoctrine Oil5 (Not affected by booster)0.2%
    Log Files64%
    Extra Energy306%
    EMP 01105%

    Prometheus Missions
    Daily - Minimum Level 6
    Kill: 15 Sibelon or 3 Uber SibelonIAC: 1x
    Ex: 200.000
    Credits: 200.000
    Honor: 80
    Uridium: 500
    Kill: 6 Boss SibelonIAC: 1x
    Ex: 200.000
    Credits: 200.000
    Honor: 80
    Uridium: 500
    Don't damage any player for 1 hourIAC: 1x
    Aurus: 1
    Honor: 300
    Take 400.000 Damage without dying
    Countdown: 15 Minutes
    IAC: 1x

    Prometheus Fragment: 1
    Honor: 300

    Epic - Minimum Level 12
    Finish Galaxy Gates
    • Beta
    • Gamma
    ABR: 10
    Indoctrine oil: 5
    Ex: 500.000
    Credits: 500.000
    Uridium: 10.000
    Honor: 2.000
    Finish Galaxy Gates
    • Delta
    • Cause 625.000 Damage to Emperor Kristallon
    IAC: 15x
    Salvage Core: 5x
    Ex: 500.000
    Credits: 500.000
    Uridium: 10.000
    Honor: 2.000

    IMPORTANT: To get the mission rewards of the epic missions, the gates need to be done manually. Doing them via Dispatch don’t count for the missions

    Special Reward Chance
    During the event, Pilots have the chance to win a special additional reward for completing the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Galaxy Gates
    ItemDrop Chance
    Argon Goliath Plus10%
    Prometheus Cyborg5%
    Prometheus Fragment: 2100%
    *Each item is rolled individually, meaning there is a chance to get all 3 for 1 gate!

    New Ship Designs
    There are 2 new ship designs:
    • Prometheus Citadel Plus Ship Design
    • Prometheus Goliath Plus Ship Design
    Each of these designs has a special kill streak effect as well as a kill counter effect.

    Kill Streak Effect
    The Kill Streak Effect activates after 15 kills without dying or logging out. The effect lasts 15 minutes. If a player activates the Kill Streak Effect, has running it for 5 minutes and gets their 16th kill in a row, then the timer for the effect will be reset to 15 minutes. In case the player dies while the Kill Streak Effect is activated, then the effect is removed.

    Please note: There’s no visible timer that shows the duration of the effect. The Kill Streak Effect is only visual and doesn’t have any further impact.

    Kill Counter Effect
    When a player gets a kill with one of these ship designs, they will see a short popup text informing them how many kills they have got in these ship designs. The text will appear just above the player’s ship and be visible to everyone.