Punishment for exploits

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Malaikat, Mar 16, 2021.

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  1. Malaikat

    Malaikat Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

    Hello SpacePilots,

    We will continue with punishing bug users for using Obsidian Keys exploits. It’s an unfair behaviour and we did and do investigations to establish fairness in the game again.

    Tonight, we will run another ban wave and we will continue to investigate and find players that used other exploits.
    Here are the measures that we’re taking:
    • 1 week of suspension of accounts, effective 17th March
    • All Honor points in the accounts and the exploited keys will be removed
    • All players who have already been punished for this exploit in the past will only be banned for a short timeframe so that their exploited keys can be removed and the honor points can be set to 0.
    And for all those who don’t take these warnings seriously, we would like to highlight once again:
    Using and exploiting existing bugs in our game is against our Terms and Conditions, and we will not accept that kind of behaviour in our game. Please keep in mind that according to our Terms and Conditions, players risk that their accounts can be closed without any further warning in case the player violates the prohibition on exploiting bugs.

    Your DarkOrbit Team