purelyto try the forum out

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ŖØØŚŦ, Jan 5, 2014.

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  1. ŖØØŚŦ

    ŖØØŚŦ User

    as i haven't been around for a while , and all has changed , ( big surprise :) )

    thought would post and see who if any off the old stagers are still around . will check back ina couple off days or so .

    in the meantime , hello , from an old has been .

    think they changed it so my old post counts disappeared . :D
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    Hello roost, good to see you are still about, even if it is a very rare appearance. :p

    Looks like you will need to get a high post count for the 3rd time! Except they are calling it trophy points this time :rolleyes: