Pushing script

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by -Pacman2-, Apr 13, 2014.

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  1. -Pacman2-

    -Pacman2- User

    Pushing scripts:-

    I will start by saying for the following reasons I sincerely doubt that the suggestion will be acted upon.

    In my cynical view

    1. The enforcement of ToS rules has not been a main driver for years if ever.

    2. The 72 hr bot ban was little more than a drive for short term revenue, as the additional punishment was removal of, upgrades and more significantly BIO ( as this could be seem in the players stats). They kept all the EP, Honour ,TU and badge ranks that they stole. Not to mention all the elite equipment.
    It was even pointed out that the revenue increased after the ban;
    like suggesting the key gain was revenue growth, not a better experience for the average player. Or better still a combination of the two.

    3. The change to the amount of players you can pop in 24hrs was introduced then the company war count was increased. ( The game was based around each company fighting each other, not strong clans bullying weak clans.) but with so few players the WW bullies need weak players to constantly pop to feel that, the stupid amounts of money is boosting their naive ego.

    4. Account sharing is against the rule;
    however when you sign up to an account you give your information. The top account that are taken over by other new high spenders will have different payment card details, but they still get away with account sharing. Along with the account selling being ignored.
    A free player posting in chat that their, lets say 4 year old brother, did something to there account, gets banned for account sharing.

    We did see the removal of rad zone pops having cargo drop removed stopping sep farming, noting I pointed this practise out in the old forum.

    There will always be people trying to find the next work around, for witch there are still many.

    So My suggestion is:-

    There should be scripts that look at the main pushing issues;
    1. Clan credit pushing.
    2. Ship kill pushing.
    3. Seprom farming.

    1. Clan credit pushing.

    It would be easy to have a script that looks at account that significantly just run skylab that are in a clan that has can tax or that sends in anyway significantly more credit to one or more accounts. Along with any other way of credit pushing.
    Note I regularly check GB1 account data and can say with reasonable certainly that there are an increasing amount of accounts being used just for this purpose. There are some players that have up to 20 or more accounts that get to EP level 5-8 then never increase EP.

    The simple thing to do is run a script to detect they Credit pushers and delete the credit sending accounts and remove all credit gains from anyone receiving credit from those accounts.

    2. Ship kill pushing.

    With the introduction of free rep for all and the 15 kills per 24hrs for own company clans. Controlled ship kill pushing even for quests is no longer considered pushing.

    The simple way of detecting ship kill pushing is to look for ships that do not add EP regularly compared to the amount of times a ship is killed by the same account or accounts, also compared to the amount of time the weak ship is killed by other accounts in comparison.

    3. Seprom farming.

    The simple solution it to keep the sep loss when popped, but
    remove it from the cargo pickup. The better solution would be to do this for say for any account popping the same account with high sep in the weak ships cargo.

    When we consider I lost from + 500k honour going to -1.2bil honour from lag pick up of less than 0.5% Of the struener cargo in the 2008 summer games and support just said "I should not steal cargo". Which took me 2 week of solid npc farming just to get back to positive honour. Doing the honour quest.
    Noting the “turn off cargo that is not free" option was eventually added I would say as a result of me pressing the issue.

    Any enforcement of an existing rule that dissuades cheating should be a major factor in the drivers for the games development team.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2014