Put it on my Credit Card!

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Juturna, Nov 20, 2013.

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  1. Juturna

    Juturna User

    Hello Space Pilots,

    The community has often asked us to provide more items for the shop and support players, who are new to the game or short on Uridium.

    We absolutely agree and would like to support these players with a wider variety of items and an easier game entry which is why the following items will from now on be available for Credits instead of Uridium:

    LF2 lasers for 250.000 Credits

    G3N-6900 generators for 50.000 Credits

    SG3N-B01 shields for 256.000 Credits

    REP-2 bots for 64.000 Credits

    SG3N-A03 shields for only 128.000 Credits

    These will also be removed from the auctions and are only purchasable in the shop. Upgrade costs and sell prizes have also been adjusted.

    Have fun shopping!

    Your DarkOrbit team
    burkey likes this.
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