Putting bonus boxes in 4-4

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by [PΛЯΛĐΘX]™, Sep 21, 2023.

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  1. Nothing is quite as riveting as flying around empty space with little to no other players. Perhaps some bonus boxes to collect in 4-4 so we can still gain something from doing almost nothing.
  2. I dont think that even if they would add them it would be useful at all, since 4-4 is 4x bigger than normal maps and if bonus bones would be added the amount would be same as in normal maps. This would mean bonus boxes would be very sparse in the map and not viable for collecting them.

    Sometimes those special bonus boxes get added to 4-4 and I have seen how sparse they are in the map
  3. A long way to go just for credits since that's around 75% of every box now anyways.
    DefenderOfMMO likes this.

  4. Who collects boxes anymore? My pet might pick up a handful but I certainly am not going after them
  5. test020

    test020 User

    maybe OP is in hopes to kill automated players? like bruh all the beep boop kids hang in 5-3 colleting palladium.