pve server

Discussion in 'General Issues' started by MajorDestruction, Nov 29, 2023.

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  1. i am playing on what i thought was the pve server but i keep getting shot by enemy ships im on wrong about this

    europe global server
  2. You can lose your pvp protection in that server for multiple ways like:
    1. you use the following items:
    - Mines (e.g. ACM-01, DDM-01)
    - Special ammunition such as EMP-01
    - Tech items that attack players such as Burning Trail, Explosive Charging Blob, Chain Impulse
    2. you do the following actions:
    - You enter Refraction zone
    - You shoot a Spaceball
    - You capture a beacon (during Capture the Beacon/Sector control event)
    - You shoot a CBS

    There are also other ways, I think going to battle maps now will remove your pvp protection during the event
  3. hmmm thanks is there any way to get it back
    i did use mines for season quest
  4. You will get it back after 24 hours of real time
  5. ok thanks a bunch
    is there anyway to tell if you are under protection or not?
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2023