[SC] Question to BigPoint and Players

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Frago, Apr 19, 2020.

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  1. Frago

    Frago User

    So what kind of compensation are we going to get in terms of are wasted premium time for these server issues and the times we lost out on gates and waves in the event gate?

    To players, what do you think we should get for this kind of a problem as this is a joke, this kind of lag has been going on for weeks now (GE5 at least) laggy Hades, laggy A/B/Y just map lag although it inst even the weekend when you are trying to pvp.
  2. AVIT

    AVIT User

    there idea of compensation is to put doubles on for a week .. that does not work for me infasct it works against me as i go to work all week , in that meantime i am losing rank points from those that are able to play during the weekdays .i am not able to make anything at the weekend coz its bust then .
  3. Well, we get this as a "compensation", but unfortunately this "compensation" is not a compensation.

    All this is, is basically adding fuel to the fire. Nothing more and nothing less, sadly.

    It will only worsen the lags aswell as extend the lags to the whole week, instead only the weekends. How they could come up with this as a "compensation" is beyond me.

    Simply giving every player, who logged into the game over the last 4 weeks, 1.5 Million Uridium would already have been a much much much much better compensation...
    BE$$SCARED$$ and DarkVargen-Turk like this.
  4. EvilHotDog

    EvilHotDog User


    Moving to the appropriate section. We will leave the thread open. Providing the comments are constructive and not flaming.


  5. Best compensation I can think of would be to ban bots from doing these gates, all gates. I feel this is the problem with the server load. Not many real players compared to bot ships. Talking to an old friend the other day, he lets me know he been botting for over a year and I never suspected it. Now he has 6 mil uri and over 9 mil x4 ammo.

    I'm a lagit player and strongly against this type of crap.

    Yep, compensation is not the way to go.


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