Questions for Developers!

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SaphireFlames, Dec 17, 2013.

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  1. I would like this post to be seen mainly by Juturna or Rick from developers blog or any Darkorbit Developers!

    In one of the posts in "Forums" section "Dev Blog" Rick said that they are planning on puting Aegis, group boosters etc. on auction, will that include aegis veteran and elite designs? or the Skill designs (Venom, Spectrum, Lightning, etc.)? The reason im asking is cause I am thinking about buying one of the aegis designs, and you guys just brought those designs out not too long ago, and the skill designs have been out for soooo long, and your already thinking about pushing your too newest designs out on auction>? And the pricing is really annoying as the aegis Veteran is 100,000 uridium, for its first time being out to buy, and the skill designs have been out for more than 6 months or longer and are still 250,000 uridium? I would think maybe a price reduction on the skill designs needs to happen! Even the Elite design is only 200,000 uridium! 50k less than the skill designs and the skill designs have been out for MONTHS! Please consider this! I get it that you guys are putting it on bid but still the price for the skill designs(Goli) and vengence designs are outrageous!

    Recently you guys took the lf2, bo1, 6900 Speed Gen. and anounced it for buying with credits! which is great! but look at the designs for goli/Vengi!(Veteran, Enforcer, Bastion, Avenger, etc) They are still 100k uridium!?!? unbelievable! They sell for as much as the aegis veteran and thats not out on auction! they should be down to like 10k uridium by now! You can win them for 100 credits and they still sell for so much uridium. . . i think all the designs(Besides Aegis,citadel, and spearhead) are in need of a massive price reduction.

    Another question for our developers (They said they are letting us no about the updates earlier in the game before they happen) Will there be any updates with Galaxy gates, New maps/w new aliens? , Greater rewards for aliens?

    mr_plaku™ likes this.
  2. cooljak96

    cooljak96 User

    Reference to deleted post

    The only people that would be able to answer this thread is possibly support, or Rick Dekard. However, if Rick makes a developer thread like he did in the old forum, you should post this there.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 19, 2013
  3. whell i think thay wont be goin in trade as if thay where y havent the venum or the others gone in trade thay bin out now for a year harf knowso i carnt see it happening eny time soon thay still workin out the price for lf4s lol in shop and trade every one thinks it a roumer but watch everone goin get slap with them soon
  4. It is very likely, that the new auction system does include the Skill Designs and Veteran + Elite designs in the weekly auctions. Daily auctions probably include in addition to hourly: PRO-boosters, EMP's, RSB, Hellstorms and other gear only available during MHH. Not 100% sure about this, but according to what Rick has been posted, it's not far away.