QZ x-7 portal GUIDE

Discussion in 'Newbies' started by »ØPŦ‡MU§_K‡ŁŁ_§[23]«, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. To be able jump in gate you must have 2-8 players in group.

    Once you start gate new player can't join in.
    Once you die in gate you can't join in same gate or respawn in it.

    On the start wait you random number of Viral Kristallon which you need to so Gygerim Overlord lose shield and you can shoot it. Best way to kill Viral Kristallon is split around map and colect them on same point to use kamikaze, that will save you some time and ammo. When you colect them take care how you doing it because once you stop you can't move a little because Viral Kristallon will move only if you are out of his range. For make perfect circle and kill them all one of group member should stop and rest use follow botton in group.

    Once all Viral Kristallon are dead, shield on Gygerim Overlord goes down you have 30secounds window to shoot on him before it send new wave of Viral Gygerthrall and Viral Kristallon. Less HP Gygerim Overlord more npc it will spawn between shield. My advice is use x4 on Gygerim Overlord so you can kill it faster and overall you will need to kill less Viral Gygerthrall and Viral Kristallon what will save you time and ammo.

    Once you start to shoot on Gygerim Overlord every 15 secounds it will spawn 1 Plague Rocket which doing 95.000 dmg on your HP so you should kill. If you focus on killing Plague Rocket you don't need to go in with many solace or aegis, you can go with diminisher or some other dmg design so you can finish gate even faster.

    Once you kill Gygerim Overlord it will drop 1 Quarantine Zone Box for each player who survive in gate.

    Indoctrine Oil rewards
    Roll NumberAmount of OilChance
    To Clarify, each drop chance is independent of the others. So you have 100% to get 1, and then a 59% chance to get another one on top of that. If you don't get that one, you have a 20% chance of getting 2 more.

    Shared reward from Gygerim Overlord
    Uridium: 28.000
    Honor: 40.000
    EP: 400.000
    These rewards are split evenly between players who participate in gate.

    Additional Gate Rewards

    Guaranteed 100% drops:
    Kyhalon: 5
    Tetrathrin: 1
    Schism: 1
    Experience: 1,000,000
    Seprom: 500
    Ammo Package
    AmmoAmountChance one of

    Chance reward (chance 0.001%):

    Jackpot Package
    RewardAmountChances each of
    1 Month Premium (extending if already existing one)1100%
    Booty Keys20100%
    Extra Energy200100%

    Hope this Guide will help some players do QZ more effective and faster.

    Grettings, »ØPŦ‡MU§_K‡ŁŁ_§[23]«
  2. Tha_Slepi

    Tha_Slepi User

    do you know how the boosters change the outcome?
    do the percentages just add up or do they multiply with your boosters?

    with 20% PRC-B00 and 50% PRC-B01

    Indoctrine Oil rewards
    Roll NumberAmount of OilChance


    Indoctrine Oil rewards
    Roll NumberAmount of OilChance

    Indoctrine Oil rewards
    Roll NumberAmount of OilChance


    Indoctrine Oil rewards
    Roll NumberAmount of OilChance
  3. Its probably 2nd one because if you buy booster for chanse and double reward most of time you will get "just" 6 oil. My friend did it and in 4 hours of doing it QZ whats around 25 gates he get maybe 2-3 times 3rd pool and not even once 4th. Following that if it work like 1st option in 25 gates you should be able get 22/25 times 3rd pool and 17/25 4th pool but it don't work like that.

    If you wanna really bad oil you can get booster for chanse and double reward but if you don't hurry you should try buy just for reward and see how its going. Probably best way is go with group of 8 ppl in x-7 map and farm kristallon and gyga for few hours and don't colect alloy, than you buy booster colect all alloy from map and go in gate next 3 hours right after or make a break and go later because booster don't spend while you are logout. That should be most effective way to spend your time and money. (Once alloy is on map chanse no longer help you get more alloy, thats my experience).

    Gate as gate is good if you ask me, I like it but got trouble found ppl to go in. You get 5 kyhalon for new LF4 what is great, UFE spend around 12-13k x3 for make one and u got chanse get 40k x3 and from gate you get around 4-5k ur when go with 8 ppl overall 30k ur per hour for each of you 8 what is 240k shered per hour whats 5 times more than cubikon.