Rail Gun Cannons.

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by VESPID, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. Dreadlok

    Dreadlok User

    The milfs in Texas are at least 18, yours are 7?
    It does explain alot about you tho.
    Trying to turn this into a flame thread to get it shut down only goes to show how much all of you suck.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  2. Hauler™

    Hauler™ User

    Hello there, i play this game for six years and i saw this idea many times suggested but i would not like to see this ever be in DO because this is space action shooter game not cowboy game.

    Ok ty for reading.

    Seraphim likes this.
  3. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    This thread will be closed due to spam and cleaning until further notice.

    -Tom_Sawyer- likes this.
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