Random 3AM Map Expansion Idea

Discussion in 'Update & Idea Pool' started by Seraphim, Apr 8, 2024.

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  1. Seraphim

    Seraphim User

    I had this dumb idea.

    New maps X-9 to X-12
    Level reqs:
    X-9: own = 20. enemy = 23.
    X-10: own = 21. enemy = 24.
    X-11: own = 22. enemy = 25.
    X-12: own = 23. enemy = 26.

    Access from 4-5 -> X-9
    I had two ideas about how ports would be in 4-5:


    With idea 2 the wormhole would have to move to the white circle area.
    Brown circle = X-5 port
    Yellow circle = 5-1 port
    Red circle = X-9 port

    == X-9 ==
    Distant sector of the galaxy. Only tough aliens roam.
    Common NPC = sks
    Big NPC = Kristallord (less tanky than UBK, but hits as hard. Consecutive hits have chance to freeze you. WIP)
    Group NPCs = pirate lords. They have shadow skinned custom spectrum+sentinel ships (think of it as a monstrosity from merging both ships' appearance). Very tanky and has many annoying abilities to weaken you/disable your rocket launcher etc. typical pirate stuff. Dark Prismatic shield ability which soaks 30k of your hits. e.g. 100k dmg becomes 70k. 25k dmg means zero dmg dealt. Hard hits less affected. Drops reward box. WIP
    Possibly other variations of pirate lords. e.g. black venom+diminisher ship that's more aggressive, or venom+spectrum etc.
    Extra NPC: Reflection DC - a stranded blacklight npc. Rare spawn.

    == X-10 ==
    Common NPC = Lordakium
    Big NPC = Nebuleech (big nebula like monster.. has 50% evasion if you're far away. if you get too close it sticks onto your ship and heals 25% of the damage it deals to you. Cannot outrun it if it sticks to you. EMP/jump port can let you escape. Breaks into smaller Nebulasites (nebula parasites) WIP
    Group NPC = sunburst lordakium. but bigger, and stronger, and hits all players around it. didn't think of special abilities. Drops reward box.

    == X-11 ==
    Map is littered with Exiled Protegits (old model prots).
    Big group NPC: Exiled Cubikon - Drops reward box.

    but probably 3-4 times bigger. ships are tiny compared to it.
    It has 3-5 sections which can be destroyed independently.
    It shoots lasers to all players in a very large radius around it. Different sections have different extra attacks. One will release Exiled Prots. One will shoot deadly barrage of rockets. (10 hellstorm rockets). One section is bulkier and absorbs damage to other sections. Etc

    Releases Exiled Prots. 10 of them connect a laser to the Exiled Cube and shield it from 50% dmg. Players have to kill those 10 to drop the shield.

    Exiled Prot:

    Hits very hard and has high HP.

    == X-12 ==
    idk. I fell asleep before I had any ideas. Has a space station lol.

    Hadn't thought about boss/uber NPCs at all for these maps. Maybe sks and lordakium will have boss versions in their maps.

    Also, all NPCs drop only small amounts of prom and xeno. Group NPCs drop some sep (500-1000). No point making high level stuff drop lots of low level ores.

    Last idea:

    Add new tier of events. E.g. GoP hard mode to X-12 map.
    X-1 easy - low rewards
    X-8 normal - normal rewards
    X-12 hard - great rewards

    I dunno what I was smoking at 3AM. This sounded a lot better at the time.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
    .-señor_dark11-. and jayherbo like this.
  2. test020

    test020 User

    the servers are on fire with the current limited map pool and you want to add more fuel to the pyre? best we can get is X-BL and 5-4 which requires silver booty key to enter for very old rewards too oh and 1% to get a awful laser that deals 100 less damage than the old meta one, new meta one still wasn't given that much for many people yet since they could only get 1 of the things in the bp exchange and try their luck on event battlepass booty boxes.

    but you are correct, we need new maps to explore around, the galaxy is supposed to be infinite, right? and if i'm going to be one of the few guys that remembers the pre-blacktrash lore, kronos is a gate that takes you to another dimension where saturn became a faction with a doppelganger of you as the leader of that company, unlike the regular company leaders which shows how lazy them dudes are as they just bark orders instead of hopping on a ship and get into fights with extra dimensional invaders, only MMO is truthful to be sitting in a chair to show his laziness and to top if off we got solidus which has time magicks excuses if you bother to read the tooltip of the item, like we have the perfect things to make more maps but we are stuck with this ancient stuff...

    heck even hades broke the lore by adding silly emperor aliens with silly personalities as if they were meant to be anything but a source of uridium to be shot infinite times since you pop them and the guy goes "they will be back" like my dude our group just KILLED THEM, they aren't coming back unless they are clones of the real emperors, kuiper tried to expand on the streuners and link itself to hades but it became utterly irrelevant, especially since the aliens there have massive shield resistance which moth can't penetrate on it's own and you need a module to have moth be useful and even then streuners are still considered less than humans because of their betrayal towards humanity, at least that is correct with the ancient lore back when we used to pick up quests in the website if you bothered to read the text alongside the orders, memba?
    until nyx was added of course and then they destroyed the poor girl to turn it into generic stuff.

    none of these new galaxy gates thing but rather new maps for the factions, a new lowers and a new uppers alongside new missions for the people that have finished the ministry of truth elite questlines that are utterly mind numbing for a regular human :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2024
    Seraphim and .-señor_dark11-. like this.