random quests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Ð∆ЯК¤∆ÐÍΞ§KIĹĹ∆™»»V«, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. hello my friend showed me quests tht give rewards which i havent seen yet ... he is level 16 and i am level 18 ..... one is called on the other side and the other foreign territories... he said he got them when he reach level 16. I have never seen or completed these quests so i don't kno y i don't have them.
  2. I'm going to go down a list of possibilities.

    Are you 100% sure you haven't ever received them? You have have done them in a matter of minutes one day not realizing it.

    Its possible you really did never receive the quests.

    If you bought the account, or had it given to you from a 3rd party, they may have done it already.

    Just confirm they are not in your completed quests list.
  3. i have just looked down my completed quests list : i have not done or received them
    i have never seen the quest on m quest page so its likely i have never received it
    i have made this acc and have had it every since
    can someone explain to me why i don't have the 'on the other side' and 'foreign territories' quests
  4. Hmm strange, I'd recommend you to support.
  5. I just had a peek at my quests and i dont have them. Maybe they were event quests
  6. nope he told me they are in the normal qusts section.... can a mod plz rly to this
  7. aizaz13

    aizaz13 User

    This is my noob ( i ma the guy who posted this thread) and this acc is lvl13 and i found the quests i am talking about on this in my unavailable quests section ( becuase this acc isnt lvl 16 yet) so how come my main doesn't have this. I reckon most ppl above lvl 16 dont have this cause when they added the quests the only added it for the ppl who are lower the lvl 16 and not for those who are above level 16. why is this?
    it wont let me paste the screen shot for some reason.
    quests: "on the other side", "foreign territories", and there are more my main doesn't have like "Top secret"
    any mods?
  8. Shifterai

    Shifterai User

    Hello Ð∆ЯК¤∆ÐÍΞ§KIĹĹ∆™»»V«

    Thank you for all your replies. The foreign territories quest is still available, it is under foreign occupation quest. Some of the quests were removed, as to which ones we are trying to get a list as to which. This may take time to do.

    After further investigation, the quests are still there. If you do not see the quests showing in the Normal tab, go to the Challenges tab and it will be listed there showing that they have been completed.

    Do you have any further questions?
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  9. i just completed those challenges and i got no rewards ... can u put them back in quest section?
    and i also just checked all my foreign occupation quests... however none of them are the same as the foreign territories quest
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2013
  10. Shifterai

    Shifterai User


    As you are now asking for a reset of quests and a compensation on rewards, I will have to direct you to Support now. As this can not be handled in the Forums.

    Enjoy the game.

    Closing as redirecting to Support.
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