Rank doesn't change

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by *™†─Gandalf*Thai─†™*, Dec 15, 2013.

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  1. i'm lvl 18 and my rank is still Captian no matter how much i play...what should i do please help? any ideas? suggestions? Advices?
  2. Hunt, do a lots of GGs, play more..
  3. *™†─Gandalf*Thai─†™* what helps in rank is lots of honor and you can go to ranking section in home page to see how much more rank points you need for next rank . AS ❦Čοlεκ❧ said hunt and gg is the best option as gg gives lots of honor and honor is the best thing that will raise your rank points.
  4. I do agree. Working on honor raises your rank point a lot. For honor, as ❦Čοlεκ❧ mentioned, Galaxy Gates gives you tons for honor. But keep playing and you'll get a new rank in no time.
  5. -HarleyD-

    -HarleyD- User


    The thing to remember is that while you are working on rank points so is everyone else.. You will only climb to the next rank if you pass the people in front of you which means you will need to add rank points faster than the next person.
    Another thing to remember is that Ranks are based on a percentage of the active players in your company (as strange as it sounds).
    As posted above gates are a good rank point earner if you are not a great PvP player (PvP gives the best rank points per kill), next step down would be to join a good clan and hammer cubikons. Do quests if you have any left.

    To be honest as a level 18 you should know all of this, and I will add that most players that are not total wallet warriors spending a small fortune have long since given up on rank badges. Personally I reached the 2 star rank on my server before things spiralled out of control now I struggle to hold onto basic major yet have never been out of the top 100. This is a GAME, its supposed to be fun, not a job. Play your game, enjoy the game but dont focus on rank. It will burn you out far faster as you will just feel that you are going backwards most of the time.

    Have a good day and enjoy the game.
  6. yeap its the game :) look at me from general to colonel i know sounds shocking but true :) still i own people on 4 vs 1 :) and getting to 2 star again soon
  7. Enjoy the game.

    Closing as lack of response from OP.
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