Rank Problem/Mission Problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kid-Ninja-22, Jan 16, 2014.

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  1. My rank went down because my completed missions went from 90 to only 10. Can we fix this?
  2. Okapi32

    Okapi32 User

    It is not a bug or glitch so will not be fixed.
    In the announcement a couple week ago that gave details on the new quests it mentioned that the completed missions will be reset back to 0.

    It does suck, nobody is really sure why they did it but I think we will just have to deal with it to be honest.
    Kid-Ninja-22 likes this.
  3. Thank You. I see that my missions is still reset, but my rank is basic sergeant again. So thank you
  4. thanks

    ASTRAEA User

    Thank you for assisting this player with their question.

    Great answer.

    Does the OP have any further questions on this topic?
    Please have a lovely day and enjoy the new missions.