RE: DDoS attacks and potential compensation

Discussion in 'Speakers‘ Corner' started by -DiminisheЯ-, Jul 26, 2023.

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  1. To be honest, I'm already 90% sure we're going to get some terrible compensation package for the DDOS attacks. I can see it already.

    Sorry the game broke and you lost time on real boosters that deteriorate in real time, here's what we have for you:

    20 minutes of Premium
    Broken Booty key
    6 UCB-100 ammo
    Half of a Flax drone we recovered from a destroyed noob ship in 3-2
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  2. You will bet a 'chance' to spin the DO coin lotto for a chance at a discount
    MacSgalpaigh likes this.
  3. sounds about right. lol
  4. Does anyone has information when possible compensation should happen? Because game was so stuck I could not have change to get all login bonuses. I hope they will give me those also.
  5. Oddy

    Oddy User

    LittleAirwolf67 likes this.
  6. ok. the code is good for normal users. What about the customers who paid money for boosters? When will we be compensated? I have 50 plus days of HON B01, that isn't going to cut it.
  7. B-01 are not real time boosters there will be another compensation package coming for real time boosters maybe box doubler and things like that but if you don't lose anything then there won't be compensation. Cheers
  8. We can only Hope.....