Rebate not working?

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by -»Jøкэя™«-[GЯ], Oct 29, 2023.

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  1. Hello, I have renewed Rebate advantage pack and for some reason it is not working? I am mostly using it for Galaxy gate spins and I don't get the discount.
  2. Rebate works but galaxy gate discount did not for some reason, unclear if it was intentional or not
  3. galaxy gates are bugged rn , pulling 70 uri instead of 55 ,rebate works
  4. And the new compensation package will never come as this has happened already and I sent in a ticket and they say they are aware of it and will let us know when they give out compensation, I mean how many compensation packages have they given out in the last 4 months it's incredible.
    Basically the game is broken and they can only patch it not fix it and when they patch it there is always another issues that shows up so this seems to be the norm buy something it doesn't work and the whole server gets compensated for it even if they didn't purchase anything.
  5. same here .prem + rebate and uri used is 70 not 55
  6. Same here. What are they waiting to fix that?!?